SHOCKER! Law of Attraction "Gurus" Have Always Meant For You to Fail at Manifesting Abundance

So you've been having problems manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction.

The problem really is: THE DAMN LAW DOESN'T WORK!

You've tried, and you've tried and you've tried, but you haven't manifested that dream house by the ocean, you haven't manifested financial freedom, you're ideal mate is NOWHERE in sight, and your debt keeps piling up.

The only thing that keeps you believing is that all the "gurus" that you admire say that the Law of Attraction works, and tell you all the wonderful things it has done for them. So now, you're left feeling that something is wrong with you.

My friend, I'm here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you.

What if a teacher told you that there was going to be an exam on American History, and the ONLY study material she gave you was information about the War of 1812?

You'd fail the test not because you were underprepared and misinformed. American History encompasses more than the War of f1812.

If the teacher was found out, she'd be either fired or demoted.

The thing is, the Law of Attraction does work, but a lot of these "gurus" should be fired or demoted from their so called "guru" status because reality creation for manifesting abundance involves much more than the Law of Attraction.

I repeat, the reality creation involves more than the Law of Attraction, and if you try to use this law alone for manifesting abundance, YOU WILL FAIL.

The thing is, these gurus know this. They know that the Law of Attraction isn't the only law involved in reality creation, so they'd rather keep you in the dark guessing, so they can sell you more and more of their products and take more of your money.

They want you to fail so that you can keep coming back for more answers, and so they can subsequently lead you the way a horse is led with a carrot tied to a stick.

Well, it's about time you end this cycle of failure and end the mind games that these gurus are playing on you.

It's time you receive a FULL and complete instruction on reality creation, where EVERY law and "secret" is revealed as to how to start manifesting abundance in your life.

Why should you continue to have problems manifesting abundance?