Manifesting Abundance - The One FORGOTTEN Law That the Law of Attraction Can't Work Without

Imagine buying a state of the art refrigerator, with all the bells whistles, including a vegetable crisper, a door alarm that tells you when your door is ajar in order for you to conserve energy, a water filtration system, etc.

This appliance is potentially very convenient, because it keeps your vegetables crisp and fresh, it helps you save money on your electric bill, and you don't have to spend money on bottled water or water filters.

Yet, without electricity, this appliance is completely, utterly useless. Without electricity, it can't or won't work, period.

No matter how many manuals you read, no matter how many repairmen you hire, no matter how many customer service reps you call on the phone, you can't make take advantage of the wonderful potential of the refrigerator without electricity.

It's like having a prestigious sports car that can go from 0 - 60 mph in 3 seconds with a tank full of gas, and no battery.

Without a battery to power it, the car ain't going nowhere.

The same goes for the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful law for manifesting abundance in our lives. It can and will literally change your life, catapulting you from extreme scarcity to extreme abundance.

During the course of history of mankind, it has created vast empires, it has put kings on thrones, built vast fortunes for people, and brought into fruition ideas that have improved the lives of billions of people.

It is simply amazing.

Yet sadly, I would say a majority of people who know about it have not been able to use it properly for manifesting abundance in their lives.


Well, when "gurus" teach the Law of Attraction, they almost never talk about a forgotten law that it can't work without.

It's the law that kicks the Law of Attraction into action. Without it, the Law of Attraction can't work.

It's called the Law of Intention.

Learning this law will greatly increase your success with the Law of Attraction in manifesting abundance in your life.

Knowing about this law will give you the perseverance needed to see your desire through from the beginning at its conception, to the end at its manifestation into reality.

It's time you stop chasing shadows, wondering why the Law of Attraction hasn't worked for you. It's time you stop operating with only HALF the story of reality creation.

The Law of Attraction is indeed a powerful tool, but it isn't the only tool involved in reality creation.  Once you are able to acquire ALL the tools of reality creation, I promise you, your life will NEVER be the same again.

It's time that you learn ALL the tools of reality creation.