Manifesting Abundance - How to Get the Best Out of the Law of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance

Have you been using the Law of Attraction for manifesting abundance and get the feeling that something is just missing?

Despite the fact that the Law of Attraction hasn't worked for you, you know in your heart of hearts it works and you're aware of its power. It's just that something doesn't feel right and you can't put your finger on it.

It's the same feeling you get when you leave your home to go to work, or shopping, or out on the town and you know you forgot something but you just can't figure out what. Come to find out in the "moment of truth", you realize that you forgot your car keys, or you left your wallet on the kitchen table, or you forgot your cellphone.

What's more, without that "thing" you forgot, you won't be able to accomplish what you set out to accomplish.

This nagging feeling is the same feeling you get when someone close to you is hiding something from you or isn't telling you the whole truth.

Well, I'm here to tell you that you're not crazy or paranoid. Your suspicions are correct. Something is missing from the Law of Attraction.

Now, I'm not discrediting the Law of Attraction in any way whatsoever. It is a very effective tool for manifesting abundance. However, when "gurus" tout it as the ONLY law involved in reality creation, they're DEAD WRONG.

So here's the bad news: you've been shortchanged. You've been taught only ONE aspect of reality creation and that's why you can't seem to get anywhere in manifesting abundance in your life.

The good news is, that now you know that your feelings are founded, you can begin now to learn all the other laws and principles for manifesting abundance that are absolutely crucial to know, if you want to properly use the Law of Attraction.

Once you learn all the other laws and principles for manifesting abundance, you'll be pinching yourself to make sure if it is really true how successful you are in creating the reality you desire.

Don't waste any more time, it's an awful thing to realize you have wasted years doing something and not getting any results because you didn't have the right information.