Who Do You Think You Are?

I’ve been talking a lot recently with women about connecting with your personal and entrepreneurial vision and image of who you want to be. The more you understand your authentic vision for yourself, the more successful you will be and the more effortless it will feel.

This process can be extremely joyful when you enter into it in the spirit of discovery and fulfillment. Set some time aside (don’t overwhelm yourself, if spending a day or even a few hours on this feels too scary, plan to spend 10-15 minutes each day on it until you are done) and get started.

To get started, get a vivid picture in your mind of who you want to be based on the following questions (remember, this is you “in a perfect word” so don’t get hung up on what you think you are capable of at this moment. Instead, go for what you WANT):

  1. As a woman, who do you want to be? Who do you REALLY want to be?
  2. What personality traits, talents and unique qualities do you have (what ones do you want to have)? Are you funny, happy, quirky, a great writer, athletic, etc.?
  3. What is your lifestyle like? Do you feel a sense of balance? Do you have enough fun, love, spirit, etc. in your life?
  4. What is your appearance? What is your hairstyle? Make up routine? What fashion statement do you make? Do you have a business look and a play look? Do you love all of your clothes?
  5. How do you stay fit? Do you go to the gym? Practice yoga? Stay fit playing with your children? What’s your nutrition profile? What are the foods you eat regularly? What are your splurges?
  6. What are your goals? What are you truly committed to? What will you accomplish no matter what?
  7. What is your relationship with money? Do you earn what you want (and deserve)? What work do you do? Where do you do your work? Who helps you? Do you love it?
  8. What is the state of your relationships? Do you have plenty of love and companionship in your life?
  9. What is your relationship with spirit? Do you have a spiritual practice? Do you share your spiritual life with others?
  10. What is your home like? Do you love your physical environment? Is it beautiful? Functional? Colorful?

Use as much descriptive detail as you can so that you really and truly get to see yourself in this vision. Consider all the different roles you play in life – wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, entrepreneur, community member, etc. How do you see yourself in all of these areas?

Don’t second guess yourself!