What Are You Choosing in Your Life?

Although you may not be aware subconsciously what you are thinking about it is easy to find out.

Take a look at your life right now.  It is how you like it?  What parts would you change and which parts are great?

The parts that are great you don't have to do anything about.  Leave them as they are.  The parts you don't like are areas where you have to change your thoughts.

You and you alone are in charge of your life.  You are not a victim, you are in control. And whether you are aware of your thoughts or not - this is what is driving your life and giving you life experiences.

Life is a game and many of us don't make our lives fun enough.  Why are we so serious?  What has happened to that child inside us?

Choose your rules.  Select the ones you like and disregard the ones you don't. Know that you can have anything you want in life.

Those who believe this do have everything.  Those who don't believe this and think its rubbish have rubbish lives.  Both ends of the spectrum are right.  Each one of us receives exactly what we ask for.

So if you don't like what is in your life ask for something different.  You ask for something by focusing your thoughts on what you want and not what you don't want.

You cannot ask for happy things to happen in your life when most of your attention is focused on unhappy thoughts. You cannot yearn for a new car when you are more focused on how it's impossible in your financial situation.

All you could ever want is given to you if you only believe it is true. It's just as easy to focus your attention onto happier things, so why not do it?

How long it will take to shift your thinking depends on how long you personally thing this will take.  If you think one day or ten years it will come true for you.

Dare to think the impossible and the impossible will happen.  Try it.