An Insight Into Why There Are Those Who Are

An Insight Into Why There Are Those Who Are.

Throughout the cemeteries there has been a same sex attraction among woman as there has also been among males.  This paper will relate to the female species of human life and why in general, women are more open with physical contact than are males.  Women as we know create life within them selves then sustain and nurture that gift to the world.  That event usually starts with a sexual sharing with a partner.  This event of female pregnancy is not random but controlled by a Universal law which is influenced by the life energies that are on earth.  Woman "A", who was first born in the year 300 AD and was one among say 3000 women born on that day and collectively their spirit energy was tagged to live for some fifteen hundred years through a number of lives and to place on the earth, X number of children during that time.  Along with their births, a number of male physical forms where also born and being  The process of becoming pregnant then is in line with tagging of her spirit and same Universal tagging grew in age with the women, some of whom, they married and started the process of placing new life on the earth which was also tagged by the Universe Laws and that of the parents as in DNA and Genetic markings.  (Another body tagging will eventually be discovered).

About each living body is a polarity which on the female form is Negative at the head and Positive at the base of the Spinal Column.  The male form is of course the reverse to that of the female form.  This polarity causes the charkas to rotate in opposite directions, yet when the female –male body face each other, the rotation is then in the same direction and a connection of the body's is formed in which they communicate to each other on a body level through the charkas.  This level is used by sub conscious and lower brain levels and when body emotional state is such that brain feels conscious mind can handle the information, one then becomes aware of something.  (Fright and Flight is an example of this barrier).

Woman "A" enters into another earth life along with a male with the same energy of spirit who she's will meet up with in time.  The Early years of growth are for physical mental development through Scripting and parental environmental education through the formative year and onwards.   They meet each other and being of their inner knowing, connect and marry.  Out of that relationship, five children are to come through them.  The first child in spirit having selected them as the parents because of the depth of knowledge they have for the child to grown up with. (Lets say the mother was a daughter to the child some five lives earlier and has that body frequency DNA tagging to attach to as opposed to coming through a past life sister or other sibling).  Body being an adult form with developed energy fields about through thought proses, brain is in a position to know that a spirit energy is ready to enter thought the normal womb process and through the magnetic field of the bodies, set up a pattern of sperm development which egg is tagging.  The moment happens and the location on earth is right for the body to conceive.  Egg having tagged sperm waited for the event to happen and when it does,  sperm is allowed entry without being killed off in the process of its journey to meet the love of it's life.  Now sperm is of a positive polarity in a negative area of the female body which sensing the out of phase cell, works at moving this sperm towards the head area.  But body design is such that it is blocked by egg and on contact, a massive voltage discharge occurs. Massive to body cells that is, say a quarter volt.  This voltage discharge causes the egg to take on a polarity and so divide from itself to start the Foetus.  Sperm shapes brain and the cerebrum while egg forms the body. At the eight cell growth, spirit energy enters and remains within the forming brain which for protection, grows a body about itself.  The location on earth where this happens is important for the internal growth of the Foetus as is the location of birth.

I would like to conduct a study of a country town where a plotting of births over a twenty year period could be recorded.  The hospital being the centre point where twelve radials of thirty degrees branch out to a distance of say 5 mile (10 kilometres) with magnetic north being the reference line.  At each 1 mile distance from the hospital, minor radius of a circle is plotted giving five sectors within the five mile distance.  For each month of the years in the study, births would be marked and the results of those births recorded.  Would there be a pattern with say those born in the northern five mile sector be smart and bright while those born in the opposite sector to the south, be less smarter and lacking in academic abilities' If those plotted in the eastern sector at say five miles where do goodies and well behaved.  Then would the western five mile sector be of a criminal vain?  This is a study I would like to see funded and carried out.  My belief is that there would be some very interesting patterns reviled into a lot of life's birth mysteries and puzzles as to why; someone is the way they are physically on earth.

So what has that got to do with girls liking same sex partners?  I mentioned earlier that a body is a magnetic field which is on an earth that also has a magnetic field.  Hence, body adapts to this flux field that it moves through and responds to the changes and mixing of other bodies about it.  Those girls who work at a check out desk often go home drained from being placed in a position where they have no real say as to who walks past them.  Many sex starved males absorb feminine energy from such girls though their visual and thought focused of the girl and she not being shielded, let her energy go and by days end. she is drained and drawn not wanting to do anything.  Many females if not all, do not like being stared at by a male they do not know for the simple reason that their bodies are making them aware of being looked at and that thought energy is being focused on them in a way they wouldn't be willing to share which whom is doing the staring.  Often a girl will challenge the male with comments that he is perving on her with the mental undressing game.  (What you think-is).

With the parents relating to each other in the bedroom with bed head facing north and therefore, earth's magnetic flux flowing longitudinally through the body which is able to adapt to the pattern and egg sperm on contact, develop a polarity with head taking up the pole position for the sex of the spirit energy to grow within the foetus and thus, a flux field being energized within the mothers womb.  This is another part of women being different and powerful than the male.  Her body is able to handle this extra energy of flux, though at first, body not adapting to it, try and remove the growth by bringing on the so called Morning Sickness in an effort for the inner growth to be expelled.  However, that can't happen and brain body draw a truce with the foetus being allowed to develop.  (Has any research into those women who suffer Morning Sickness been conducted along the lines of body energy, location of conception, place of employment and the general attitude the father has towards the wife being pregnant), as well, as, that of the in-laws ?   What was the girl's mother's attitude towards her own pregnancy?  Mother is the computer and the child the floppy disk which is downloaded with data for emotional levels, among many other body brain lines of communication, form the mother)  I guess not then.

Hopefully by the above reading, you have gained some knowledge the have the ability to create life because their physical form is designed to a higher standard of mental and physical strength to create a growth of life within it's own form and conduct this over a slow period of time where both bodies adapt to the changing physical earth time towards a birth.  Then having gone through that experience to become a member of the mother's club; loves the child in a way far different to how the father loves the same child. The father sees his role as supporting and providing and not knowing really what else to do but stand and watch in wonder where his wife learned how to do what she does for their infant.  Part of the mother's downloading of data.  It is brain or stored in memory in the aura energy about brain and when needed, is transferred into the physical brain where emotions and heredity skills work together to sustain the new life dependant on the parents.

Why do bubs feel more comfortable with the mother? Because she is with the child most of the time? No it is more because the bubs first experience at being a human was while in the mother's womb and resinated at the mothers body frequency.  Now as an independent life form, it finds comfort and protections from that same frequency which bubs body feels as a harmonic to its own frequency.  So what has tis got to do with Lesbians?  Let's say the mother had two conceptions in that bedroom which hadn't been changed in anyway.  Same colour of paint of the walls, bed is in the same position and their age is the only thing which has changed.  The parents need a break form the chores of being worn out parents and the lucky grandparents win the prize of looking after their grand children.  The parents escape for a few days in another state, or maybe into the country.  They play the romantic games of first date and dinner then stroll along the beach or darken back rod just out of town.  Hubby being the male type hits on his new date and they play the game.  Let's say now that their body position has their heads facing west and not north.  Being a warm night and no one about to bother them the sleep out and during the night, the wife conceives again.  Her body having been attacked by a flux field cutting across her body has caused internal upsets and at the time of sperm egg impact, the polarity of the egg is reversed and so a few days later, she tells of the bight news that another member to family is on the way.  Let's say this bub is a girl who'll we'll name Tame.  She grows up in the usual way and all is well enough until about the time her body's sexual signals start projecting outwards and brain realising that another milestone in the life of body is about to be achieved.  Sub-conscious is informed that body has an attraction towards the same sex and so eyes start feeding emotions with tingles when pictures of girls are seen or a woman in town seems more attractive than the guy every other girl in town has clamed to be their future husband. Tame's body sets up an transmission which some girls pick up on and who ask Tame if she's straight.

Tame embarrassed denies the questions, but wonders if she might be.  Further ageing and development and guys play a major part in her life, something she isn't overly sure of.  Her fantasies tend to be more intense when they are of other girls than of guys.  Eventually she has an experience with a girl and brain tells her it's prepping her to know what to do when a guys gets that close.  That moment happens and it is bland and basic.  Another episode with another girl and that seems comfortable.  Eventually the times comes when her sub-conscious ask the question. "How do you feel about being attracted to other women?"  If her body mind response is natural, then she is made aware that she might be into girls more than guys.  On accepting this awareness, Tame goes about her life trying to hide it from those close to her.  Because of her body energy and sexual tagging, she will attract other women who feel the same way about themselves, one of whom she starts a relationship with and establishes some form of social life.

Part of the reason for girls liking girls, is a balance of the physical body energy among the female population.  Some girl's fine guys are the staple body food of their sex life; others can't stand the male energy close to their physical form and being of a higher energy, tend to feed their sexual diet from the energy of other women.  Like attracts like.  And for those actresses of the 1920's and 30's, it must have been very difficult to have and need a same sex partner to support their artistic level of energy and ability while in the public eyes, portraying an image of the socially expected husband wife role model.  In my research I found that the more one is of a higher level of talent, the more that body will need the energy supplement from a same sex body to function at the high artistic level.  Also in the research, these women have a stronger bonding towards feminine friendship and it is as if, they flock together for security and strength than do heterosexual women do.  The physical body of a lesbian does not like the lower body frequency and chemistry of the male body because of the polarity.  (Both heterosexual male and Lesbian have the same body polarity).

The physical body of a Lesbian needs the cross enzyming that heterosexual women collect in their daily life by connecting to males.  Those women with a close relationship with a male gather these male enzymes by close physical and sexual contact.  The reason for this is both body's need to have a balance of the others body enzyme to survive and remain healthy.  Internal organs thrive on this energy of attachment to another body.  Bodies are not meant to be isolated individuals simply existing through life. Those males, who are suffering ill health you might fine, have very little real physical contact with their wives or daughters.  (Women are life sustainers)  For Lesbians to gain a cross enzyme dose when it is needed, is difficult for them. Some though in body's desperation for this dose, will share of her self with a guy and then wonder if she's been living a lie, but feeling better she returns to her girlfriend.  It is the role of the Bi-sexual woman to act as a go between like a bee cross pollinating plants. A non random event, Plant A has the hots for Plant G at the end of the garden and so bee collects from plant A and delivers the magic to Plant G who gives bee a gift of pleasure.  It's nature giving gifts to nature.  I have know two Bi women who during a discussion on their role, started that they tended to be drawn to women who were physical and or mentally abused, this happened after the Bi women had experienced a high level of sexual activity with males they new or were drawn to.  When a woman's self esteem is below a certain lever, her body will send out signals on a body level which other women pick up on and respond to.  The Bi women are like a mother in restoring the lost dignity and self esteem, but this is achieved in a defragmentering way unlike mothers reformatting hug.  One point here to note is that all the animals who create life with the body are family orientated and stay together where as, animals born in a shell tend to be less family orientated.  Birds once old enough to fend for them selves are turfed out of the nest and though flock together as a unit.  They don't show the same level of parent's child attention as those born from within the mother.  So humans then need the close association of other humans in order to survive as a human.

The importance then of Lesbian and Bi Women is their higher body frequency and need to survive in a society which tends to be judgmental, increases the overall life energy to those of a heterosexual direction.  The ability to accept and view such women as women first and not a sexual location, is what's important to the higher binding of thought energy of accepting people for being people.  The way most are living today, there are so many groups of people living in blocks of communities with mental controls and limitations that the natural flow of establishing a foundation of 'getting on' with each other is failing and the younger generation being squeezed further into isolation by those in authority who are looping about by their own level of control which is increasing as a need for power has taken control because the basic fundamental attitude to accept people as people, not as one would like everyone else to be.

Many girls find hugging each other a natural social part of their greeting.  Many males wonder why and often many girls are snidely referred in suggestive ways, that they must be Lesbians when in fact they are not and the males uneducated, move on not realizing the importance for that physical body ritual.

A number of years ago now, there were two test conducted at a University as I believe, a part of a Thesis for a Psychology Degree.  The first test was to interview women of a particular level of expertise for a bogus job.  The office was fitted out with video cameras to document the outcome.  Part of the Interviewees prop was a bassinet with a very young baby dressed in blue.  The interviews began and those women who came is search of work, took scant notice of the interviewees baby.  The comments of how is he and what is his name, mostly along that line and it was on with answering the questions and learning about the job to be.  Of all the women who entered on that first day, only two actually picked up the baby and made a fuss of it to the mother.

New day the test was repeated with different women applying for the interview, the difference though was that the baby this time, was dress in pink.  The interviews began and just abut every woman who was interviewed, made a lot of comments and fuss over the new born baby;  a very high percentage actually picked the baby up and held it and that was were another observation was noticed.  The two women who held to blue baby, did so for a short time and held it away from their body, while those women who picked up the pink baby, held it for a longer time and also closer to their body and asked far more questions about, and what the mother thought the bubs future would be.  Far more contact over girl than over the boy.

That led to another test and this was the first Big Brother reality show.  A family volunteered to the University to study them on a daily basis and set up cameras and recording devices saying that they would contact the family when the test was to be conducted.  About a week later, the test began without the family being informed and for a month, they were observed.  A number of interesting events happened apart from sister brother disputes and brother checking out sisters room.  Mother placed more attention to her daughters then her son or husband.  Son would ask a question and her reply was usually an instruction to ask his father or to open his eyes and look at where he left it or whatever.  Now when daughter wanted to know something, mother stopped what she was doing and had a full on conversation to the girl in a helpful way.  The response to daughter's cries for help was instantaneous as opposed to her son or husband with something like. "Oh did you say something dear?"

We know why girls hug their mums, we know that girls are of the same sex as their mums and therefore, of the same higher body frequency.  Daughters grow within their mums who are a social being and place a lot of important personal values which daughter is downloaded with.  Now as teenage girl grows towards adult hood, she is aware of how vulnerable she can be.  Also because she is a life creator, she has a higher level of respect for life that is about her and when she meets up with her friend, to show off this awareness, she will hug the other girl who shares the exchange and bodies transfer data through the charkas.  This bonding makes each girl feel good about them selves and set up a sense of being stronger, it is reassuring that there is no isolation being felt.  Girls hate going somewhere alone, especially as night or to a strange location they are not sanguine with.  The physical contact is then both reassuring and comforting that she is still friends, the energy between her and the friend is increased and body's feel they are still a part of life.  It also expresses her concern for her friend; she is able to sense the emotional levels of the girl being held.  It also helps the female body live longer because the brain body thinking process is life orientated and sustaining.  Therefore, being able to share this energy about with other women is intensifying that ability in her body.  In countries were the children still visits the parents long after they have married and left home, the parents usually live to very old age.  Mother's body created a life with is still being sensed, so therefore, the mother's body needs to be there to mother that life.

As a girl ages, the connecting ritual is more of gratefulness that she is still friends and alive and the importance of having completed a time from birth leaving children and grandchildren here of which she is a part of still, leads her into thinking that life is really about learning and sharing and teaching which though at the older age, is put aside under the belief that the grand children are smart and will work it out for themselves and beside, who wants to sit and listen to an old lady waiting about for a ride to cemetery?  So when to girls hug each other, it is a very special moment in their lives and such embracing does not necessarily imply they are lesbians.