Definite Purpose

By: David P. Kennedy

What is a Definite purpose? Helping the law of attraction work for you.

When you have a thought (All things start with them) and you let if fester and make it a part of your life and becomes a Strong Desire. That in a nutshell is the very start of The Law Of Attraction. When you want something and it consumes you to take action to acquire it, it also moves towards you. You become magnetized to each other.

So it is in creation so it is in life. If you want to have more and be more than what you have or who you are, you can have it all. But once you become distracted by other things it loses its magnetic attraction. You must always hold the thought in your mind. Also a good practice is to change your belief system and allow that which you want to come to you as you move towards it.

You must first know what you want then have the determination to stand by that thought and stand by it always knowing that you will acquire it. You have a special power inside you that once you become aware of it will change your life forever.

It takes only one sound decision to make success a reality. Riches come to be with a state of mind and definiteness of purpose. How do you acquire that kind of state of mind?

A Dream is the seed of reality....

When you are ready to receive what it is you ask for, will be when you believe you have acquired it, or will acquire it.

A great poet writes:

"I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial's hire, Only to learn dismayed, That any wage I had asked of life, Life would have willingly paid"

What a great revelation that is. This is from the book Think and grow rich which you can get a free copy on this web site under free E-books. Remember to ask big of life and expect it. It is your birth right.

Burning Desire... The Key to all success. Once it starts as a thought and becomes a burning desire action follows. Desire backed by faith...Powerful...

"Whether you think you can or think you can't" - you're right.Henry Ford

Henry Ford had little education but he knew the value of thought and desire and by sticking to it until he realized his dreams and goals.

Whatever you can think and believe, you can create for yourself so it is a good thing to have a Definite Purpose.

Once you realize what you love doing most in life you can make a Definite Purpose from that and put all your thoughts into making it your reality. Want to work 9-5 for the rest of your life? Cool but to those of you who don't, what you love to do most can be a career. If you hold your dream and don't let anyone or thing take it from you, you can have it. All great people in history had this knowledge and put it to use for them.

So having a Definite Purpose combined with the law of attraction can help you to create the life you long to have and indeed deserve.

Positive Love

David P Kennedy

/#FAQ7" Definite Purpose