Conscious Creation

The creation process is never ending.  It occurs whether we are aware of it or not. It is unfortunate, though, that most women and men travel through life allowing outside forces to shape, form and create their reality.

From my observation and experience working in an urban public school system, children are trained simply to absorb information and take orders.  There is little if any emphasis placed on preparing students to be analytical and think critically or create.  The general training is as follows:

  • When the bell rings at 7:00 a.m., take a seat
  • Raise your hand to get permission to depart your seat
  • When the bell rings again, you may eat lunch
  • At the sound of the last bell of the school day, you may exit the building

I am not against order and protocol. However, when deductive reasoning is absent from the participants of a behavioral system as the aforementioned, you produce individuals who are incapable of existing outside that order.

The masses are trained, so it seems, to go to school, get a good job and retire with benefits, a gold watch and a turkey.  But clearly we can see what this programming has yielded – a nation that is top-heavy with countless souls who are dependent on corporations and a government to provide them opportunity and privileges.  The divine right to create and produce for the good of self and others appears comatose.

A great deal of attention is given to “what will happen to the planet in 2012”.  Some say the world will literally end while others predict unthinkable catastrophes.  From my own personal awareness, 2012 will only be the end of the world as we know it.  The handwriting has been on the wall for ages and ages.  The only thing consistent is change and planet Earth is well over due…

Let the trumpet sound and the resurrection of creative consciousness begin so that the intelligence, labor and energies we have inherited from the Almighty serve as a benefit to everyone and not just “the few”.  We are all divinely entitled to experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and consciously create our own reality intended by the All Source.