Manifestation Technique To Help You Get Better Results With the Law of Attraction

There are many wonderful techniques out there that assist the manifestation process. If you are experiencing blocks or little results with the law of attraction, than the information I am about to share with you might serve to greatly enhance your manifesting process.

One of the biggest reasons why many people are unable to see desired results in their manifestations is because they have too many attachments. These attachments can be to specific outcomes, places, people, situations, material objects, etc... Attachments always come with high expectation which mostly leads to disappointment.

Many wonderful teachers and experts believe that when using the Law of Attraction, a person must be specific in their desired manifestations. I agree with this statement to a point; however the one big thing that is missing in this technique is ‘expansion.’ Having an expanded vision or expanded vocabulary when consciously manifesting will immensely open a person up to receive more than they can imagine from the Universe. If a person is so fixed on having their manifestation be exactly how they want it to be and are not having it any other way, than they will be waiting a very long time. When a person is specific with their vision, yet is open to experiencing that vision or something greater, then they open themselves to the infinite good the Universe has to offer.


Affirmative statement:
I choose to attract into my life $10,000,000 within the next three years. This money allows me to keep doing what I love by allowing me to positively transform the lives of millions of people with my work. I am open to this or something greater.

Coming back to attachments, it IS possible to live your live without being attached. ‘But I have to be attached to my work, family, etc…’ many of my clients say. Well, this is where I would suggest a person move out of attachment and into a space of connection.

When a person is attached, they have a sense that whatever it is they are attached to define who they are, and they cannot live without it. This results in great disappointment, unbalanced emotions, low self-esteem, and ultimately major blocks to desired manifestations.

When a person is connected, they are present with the world around them. They operate from a knowing that they are already whole and complete without needing anything external to make them feel this way. When a person manifests from this space, they do so without any expectations, just knowing that it would be great to experience. These are the people that usually receive their desired manifestations with ease and grace, because it’s just that ‘easy & graceful.’

So the biggest key ingredient to manifesting is ‘let go of all attachments.’

To learn more about how to be connected visit: