Causes of Acne and How to Get Rid of Acne the Sure Way

How to get rid of acne? This is a very common question among teens and adults suffering from acne scars and marks.  Acne is a common issue among a lot of people and to get rid of acne one must know the causes of acne break outs.

Causes of acne

Once you understand the causes of acne, getting rid of acne will be really easy. So to help you get rid of acne, let's look at the causes of acne.

  • Acne due to Oily skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance resulting in acne. How to get rid of acne resulting from it? We will discuss in the later part of the article.
  • Dirt and mud accumulated is also one of the causes of acne.
  • Acne because of bacteria and infections. Micro organisms on the skin surface cause the acne.
  • Plugged pores on the skin and dead cells that block tiny holes in the skin – so the skin can not breathe.
  • Acne caused due to deficiency of vitamins.

The above are some very common causes of acne. Now that we know about the causes of acne let's discuss how to get rid of acne.

How to get rid of Acne – Some Simple ways to cure acne breakouts

  1. Reduce the intake of processed and fatty food. Consuming oily and fatty food increases the oil on the skin surface and hence it becomes one of the major causes of acne. To get rid of acne, you must also wash your face 2-3 times a day with an oil free soap or face wash. Don't apply cosmetic products on your skin.
  2. Don't touch your skin with dirty hands, and never pop or squeeze acne pimples. This will spread the acne infected fluid and increase the infection.
  3. Intake of vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C & Vitamin E is good for your skin and reduces/prevents acne from occurring.
  4. Change your diet and lifestyle in order to get rid of acne. Sleep on time and sleep at least 7 hours a day to get a healthy skin.
  5. To get rid of acne scars and blemishes, don't use harsh soaps.
  6. Apply honey / tomato pulp on your acne affected skin to get rid of acne.

These are some tips that tell you how to get rid of acne in a natural way. Just follow these simple tips at home and you will see the difference in few days. Now that you know how to get rid of acne, you need to take action and get started with this information to get a clean, clear and beautiful skin. Keep Visiting Cure Acne Naturally to know more about causes of acne, acne prevention and cures of acne.