Understanding Body Language

Understanding body languageis easy. Here are some signs of positive body language of attraction that may encourage romantic attention.

  • Strong eye contact(lingering eye contact shows you are unafraid and interested)
  • Coy grin(raising eyebrows, squinting eyes, widening eyes, winking, tilting head)
  • Posturing(arching one's back, protruding chest and sucking in tummy)
  • A passionate voice(charismatic or perhaps very intimate in tone)
  • Wetting the lips or tongue movement(considered a nervous gesture, perhaps to calm sexual tension)
  • Grooming(preening the hair or clothing may show interest of self-consciousness; look for hair tosses, excessive touching of the hair or putting fingers through it)
  • Playing with shoes(common with relaxed women; watch as they dangle shoes by the tip of their toes, touch the back of their feet, or thrust feet in and out)
  • Playing with toys(toys can refer to anything from a wine glass to a necklace or other nearby objects. Look for caressing movements that indicate the desire to touch)

There are many more physical signs to look for that may express one's mood, but this book only focuses on overt behavior that gets fast attention. Body language is where seduction starts, though by no means where it ends.

Dating hypnosis does not refer to clinical hypnotherapy that you frequently see in movies. By definition, hypnosis refers to a psychological condition called an altered state of consciousness. In this altered state, some people may be very susceptible to direction or suggestibility. One does not have to be unconscious or in a sleeplike state to be susceptible to suggestion. The most simplistic way to understand hypnosis is this: people will only understand what you say if they can feel what you're describing. What complicates this fact is that most people have great resistance to the idea of hypnosis. Therefore, if you want to use hypnosis to influence another person you have to put them in a relaxed state before attempting to imbed suggestions. You do this by speaking in a very relaxed, sensual voice.