Learning How To Cosmic Order

Cosmic ordering is the process of ordering the universe, or the "cosmos" to fulfill your greatest desires. Many believe that with positive energy, positive attitude and belief in the process, the universe will obey your wishes, allowing you to lead a happy, successful life. It is said that with cosmic ordering you can live out your dreams.

There are several ways how to cosmic order, however we will learn a very simple process for now. The first step in the process of learning how to cosmic ordering is to get a notebook or journal of some sort that you keep specifically for the cosmic ordering process. This journal needs to remain significant and special to you.

The next step in learning how to cosmic order is to think about what you want most. Once you have that thought you need to write it at the top of the page. Let's say you want to win the lottery. Simply write something along the lines of: "Dear universe / cosmos in all of your wonders and glory, please bring upon me a winning lottery ticket so that I may use the winnings in ways that I see fit."

The next step is to then write a description of your choice about your wish in the center of the page. You can put anything you want about your wish / order in this area. Do not worry if it does not make sense on paper, you want what is natural in your mind to be relayed, so put whatever comes to mind without worrying about articulation.

The next step is to thank the universe for allowing your order to be fulfilled by writing so at the bottom of the page. You want to make sure you actually trust in the process if you really want your order to come through to the cosmos.

The next step is possibly the most crucial in the process. You must take out your journal every morning when you wake up and read your order.

The final step is to be combined with reading the order. You must envision in your mind what would happen if your order were carried out. You must envision it happening. Envision it as you read the order and with your eyes closed after, alternating as you see fit. Keep up with this process every day until your order becomes reality. Once it has, repeat the process with your next order.