Are You A Control Junkie?

"If you're not confused, you're not paying attention" Tom Peters

Have you got your eye on the ball? Are you feeling confused, overwhelmed?

Over the past few days I have been organising for three of my websites to be prepared and recorded ready to move over to a new hosting provider and onto the WordPress platform. This has been one of those times where I have felt resistance and confusion.

Moving and installing Word Press blogs. Updating current and writing new content. Retrieving lost passwords (so many!) Reviewing the fine print in contracts to cancel old membership sites. At times like this I question whether it is friendly Universe! But if I trust the universe and put my faith in my virtual assistant and my web chik, things go much smoother.

So today I am focusing on being grateful for technology and for the opportunity to get my message out to the world. I choose to see myself as surrounded by supportive people who are all doing their best.

In those moments where I am frustrated and confused and I'm feeling cranky and overwhelmed, I go and play with my puppy dogs and delight in the simple pleasures of their zany antics and their merry wagging tails.

My need for control and understanding every step of the process is my biggest hurdle. Letting go and trusting others is the key to a smoother road.

Next time you are stressed and out of control, practice letting go and trusting the universe. You'll be glad you did – I am.

Live your legacy, don't leave it!