Sarcasm and the Law of Attraction

Do you think it's funny? When you're sarcastic, I mean? Sure it is, if you are a stand up comedian!

Sarcasm puts up a wall between you and others. it is a defense mechanism that helps you from getting close to the people who matter to you. it screams "I'm afraid you won't like me so I'm going to make fun if you first."

And as far as the Law of Attraction is concerned, it is a recipe for disaster. A sarcastic person doesn't put out positive vibes.They don't send out the message that they love and approve so they don't get that love and approval back. As we know, what we send out there comes back to us. if we send out understanding and love, then that is what is returned. It only hurts the feelings of others. And if you hurt someone, do you really think you've made a friend? Think about it. if you have an idea, or a feeling and you're bursting at the seams because you're so proud do you appreciate someone saying "Are you kidding or are you just crazy?" You just put a knife through their heart. Try reversing it. If it were you with this wonderful idea, this "baby" that you're nurturing, would you like it if somebody said "Are you nuts?"

The Law of Attraction says if you want to be liked, then be likeable. if you want kindness, then be kind-get the picture?

Don't be afraid! Break down that barrier! Show kindness and nod your head in aprroval of others. Each person  is unique and has their own set of talents to bring to the table. We are not clones; nor should we be.

So, just for today, if you feel the need to say something sarcastic-don't. Hold back! You'll see the immediate response of approval from those around you. And soon-you won't need to be sarcastic at al!