Law of Attraction Meditation- A Relaxed Approach to Achieving Your Goals

In order to have the right environment for the power of visualization to have maximum impact and result, you need a relaxed and peaceful mind. The relaxed state of mind is the doorway to yoursub-conscious storehouse, where you can create the changes that you seek in life. It is here that you give the mind definite purposes for it to carry out. A relaxed state is ideal forfocus and concentration.

You may find it hard to focus on the things you desire and worry about your ability to manifest what you desire. Perhaps you have tried to visualize positive changes in your life but your images were scattered and misdirected. It seems difficult to stay with that image while other nagging doubts and conflicts arise in your mind. This only results in delay of the manifestation of what you want and as the great Law of cause and effect states,'what you put in is what you get out', so your outside world mirrors your inner world which is a world of doubt and conflicts.

You can make the decision to change that right now, through properlaw of attraction meditationand relaxation techniques you can begin to control your various mental moods which will readily yield to you the success you desire. Mind you, there is no magic pill with which you will change overnight, this is a process perfected by practice and gets easier and easier the more you do it.

You will find that many of your problems can be overcome by having a relaxed resourceful state of mind. The mind which is free of tension and worry is allowed to work at its highest capabilities. This is the state at which pure creative juices flow in and around us whilst attracting what we want becomes a natural process.

Focus on the breath
1. Take a deep breath, hold the breath for2-4 secondsandslowly and intentionallyrelease the breath whilst focusing on the motion of the breath. This simple but powerful technique is a mighty aid in developing powers of concentration.
2. Repeat the above technique for another 5 minutes or more if you can and if you find your focus going away,unconditionally forgive and love yourselfand bring the focus back to the motion of your breath.
3. When you breathe in, imaginegreat light and life forceentering your body and when you breathe out, imagine all the mental physical and emotional impurities leaving the body. This exercise is greatly beneficial to the mind-body.
4. After 5 or more minutes of focusing on the breath,consciously relax and unclenchall the muscles in your body starting from the scalp, forehead, eyelids, the muscles behind the eyelids, neck, throat, arms, chest, abdominal muscles, hips, thighs, knee-caps, calves, ankles, feet and toes. These musclesunconsciouslyclench themselves and voluntary relaxation releases them and improves circulation in the body.
5. You will begin toFEELthe life force penetrating in and around your body. This is very real energy with the unlimited possibilities of life expression waiting to be discovered and unleashed
6. Say to yourself" I am one with the Universal Creative Mind, I am a part of the whole and I have the given ability to co-create with the Universal Mind. I release my desires upon the Universal Mind with full faith in its manifestation, because the Universal Mind is inherently good".
7. Now you may begin the visualization and sub-conscious programming process, make the image as clear as possible and make sureYOUare in the picture.

Practice will make perfect and start slow and small and get control over your physical body first, eliminate nervous ticks and getcenteredand feel powerful within your own body, this will lead to a positive mental state of mind which will set forth powerful attractive forces.This is because you raise the level of your body's vibration and emotional state which guides the attraction.

This is a powerful hypnosis technique as well as a meditative practice you can use anytime anywhere, the ability to relax and center yourself is one of the most powerful exercises you could ever get involved in.

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This author is an expert in Personal Development and Self Improvement. He is a passionate believer in the goodness and vast potential of humankind. His mission on earth is to help others to build a life of their dreams. To know more about him and his services visit his website The Secret Science of Wealth .