Attract Girl!

Want toattract girl? You have probably already read books that have suggested that the best way to become irresistible to the opposite sex is to start acting like a jerk, a player or a "bad boy." These books may imply that changing your "nice guy" behavior is the best way to attract more dates or perhaps to win back an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.

Is this true? Is everything that your parents taught you a lie? Is the best way to find happiness really in lowering your standards?

The truth is far more complicated.

Becoming More Attractive to the Opposite Sex

What are the rules to becoming more attractive to the opposite sex? The first rule is fairly obvious: clean yourself and dress nicely! Besides that, there are two sets of rules commonly given to men and women to help improve their love life. Let's analyze these rules and go a little deeper than just a blanket statement.

For Men: A man must want sex.

This is a generally accepted rule that is often misinterpreted by sensational marketing people. The truth of the matter is that men must be confident in their sexuality, not just constantly horny. Men who are afraid of sex, or intimidated by women, will have difficulty expressing romantic interest in a dating prospect.

On the other hand, a man who is enthusiastically determined to have sex will enjoy discussing the subject matter and enjoy flirting. That man will usually succeed in getting what he wants. The secret is not in just wanting sex, but in actually having a goal in mind.

It goes back to the basic law of attraction: you must know what you want. If you know you are in love or are physically attracted to someone then there is nothing shameful about expressing that. However, there is a proper way to communicate this and it will largely depend on the personality of the woman.