The Law of Attraction Is Not TheOnly Law: Which Are the Other Forgotten Laws?

The Law of Attraction is a great concept, but it is definitely not the answer to all your problems. In fact, it would be rather simplistic to believe that one rule could govern your whole life, wouldn't it? The Law of Attraction is indeed good, but it is even better in the company of the other 10 principles of success.

In short, the 11 forgotten laws are:

1. The Law of Thinking
2. The Law of Supply
3. The Law of Attraction
4. The Law of Receiving
5. The Law of Increase
6. The Law of Compensation
7. The Law of Non-Resistance
8. The Law of Forgiveness
9. The Law of Sacrifice
10. The Law of Obedience
11. The Law of Success

These 11 principles come from the book "Working with the Law" by Raymond Holliwell, which was first published exactly 70 years ago. Although it has been such a long time since the book's publication, it is obvious just by looking at the principles listed above that every single one of them is no less applicable today than at the time of publication.

While it would be beyond the scope of this article to discuss all of these principles, I would like to now provide you with some highlights, which would allow you to amplify the level of success in your life. You are already aware of the Law of Attraction, number 4, so there is no need to discuss it, but let us take a look at number 8, which is the Law of Forgiveness. Forgiveness might be the most difficult thing for people to do, as they simply could not let go of the feeling of betrayal when they have not been treated fairly. However, for obvious reasons, this disgruntlement with whoever did us wrong is only hurting us. The sooner you learn how to forgive, the sooner you will be able to attract the object of your desire.

All of these principles are very useful to know and deserve to be studied with dedication. And if you were wondering whether there is a program, which offers instruction in these principles, then you will be pleased to find out that there is. Bob Proctor, the famous Law of Attraction teacher from "The Secret," has teamed up with Mary Morrisey to create a wonderful program based on the original book by Raymond Holliwell. The program is called "The 11 Forgotten Laws" and you can check a review of it, as well as of other Law of Attraction programs by clicking on the link below. Enjoy making the Law of Attraction and the other laws work for you and have fun in the process!