Why is it So Important to Be Completely Grateful For Everything in Your Current Life?

Gratitude is not the favorite practice of most people. In fact, human nature is such that we more easily complain about what we don't have and dislike, rather than express gratitude for what we have. Even then, we are not very generous in our gratitude and show it only when we have a really good reason for it. Expressing gratitude for the small things in life is something, which most people have forgotten how to do.

There is, however, a Science of Getting Rich, and it argues that becoming rich, or achieving any type of success for that matter, starts with being grateful. If we have to go even more backwards, we will find out that gratitude is coming to terms with what we are. What we have in our lives right now, absolutely everything without exceptions, is the result of our past actions and decisions. The Law of Attraction postulates that we attract everything in our lives - good or bad. Therefore, our current state is our fault, if this would be the correct word to use.

But fault is not a good word to use in this case, as things simply are, and we should not attach any judgment to them. Therefore, our current reality is our current reality, and it is neither good or bad. It only becomes good or bad when we start comparing it to other things, as we will always find something better or worse. And here come an empowering point and the key to making gratitude work in your life. If we accepted that expressing gratitude would lead us to making the Law of Attraction work for us, would not it be best to compare ourselves to those lesser of us and thus enable ourselves to express gratitude all the time?

I know that comparing yourself to others is essentially flawed, but this practice might be a good start. Ideally a person should express gratitude for everything. We should express gratitude for being here. For being alive. For enjoying this moment. For having the powers that we have. For knowing the people we know. For living in these great times. And of course, there are many other things, which one could be grateful for. We all need to find our own reasons to be grateful.

Gratitude is a major prerequisite to making the Law of Attraction work and as such it is an important pillar of the Science of Getting Rich. If you wonder how there could be such a science and would like to learn more about it, you should click on the link below, where you can find a review of a great program, which explains the Science of Getting Rich, as well as other programs, which teach you how to master the power of gratitude. Enjoy being grateful and you will be able to attract all the abundance you desire!