The 3 Worst Things You Can Ever Say To Yourself

The 3 Worst Things You Can Ever Say To Yourself

Sometime the best thing we can do is to stay quite and not comment too much on what you know or have already achieved.

We stop our own personal growth by falling into arrogance and a know it all done it all mentality only to find out that we don't know anything and we having really done much.

Why are we like that. Basically we are always trying to feel our emotional needs with our mouth. Thinking on an unconscious level that talking, doing and thinking we can create our happiness. That is why we fall prey to saying stupid things sometimes and often all the time.

The first worst thing we can ever say to ourselves is "I already now" or "I know that". This is the number one because is so common. The is an old saying that is so true, "the only thing I know is that I know nothing". If you can maintain this attitude you will never have to take back the words "I already knew that".

The second worst thing you can say to yourself is "I have forgiven already".

I run seminaries and have been around to see that is the worst ideas you can ever think because forgiveness is multifaceted and just because you forgave something does not mean that you have forgiven everything about that situation.

The third and last worst thing you can say to yourself is "It wasn't my fault".

Putting the blame on others for your situations is the worst thing you can do because you are taking away your power of creation. Everything you are experiencing you created or agreed to create in order to live that life experience. One way or another you are responsible. Find out how you are responsible and know that it can only empower and you can turn things around.