How is Asbestos and Mesothelioma Linked

Persistent diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma was extremely common in construction workers who were exposed to asbestos fibers or dust, doctors began making a connection between asbestos and mesothelioma. Shipping, construction and other workers, who were exposed to asbestos from the 1950s to the 1970s, when the dangers of asbestos was being recognized, are still suffering from the ill effects of asbestos exposure at work. More and more cases of people working under asbestos were infected with mesothelioma. So, Asbestos was considered a cause of mesothelioma. Various laws and regulations are in place, which is designed to prevent workers from exposure to toxic asbestos.

Workers who may have been exposed to asbestos in the 1970s, they are showing the symptoms of mesothelioma now. The reason behind this is that mesothelioma is slow to manifest. Mesothelioma cannot be diagnosed during its early stages. Because its symptoms take too long to manifest and it is often mistaken with those of other diseases, mesothelioma can be mistaken as pneumonia or other diseases during its early stages. The symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath, abdominal swelling, chest pain, chronic cough, fever, weight loss, etc.

Different laws and regulations have limited the use of asbestos; mesothelioma takes a long period to develop means that it still has a large number of probable victims. Professions with the risk for asbestos exposure and mesothelioma are those which involved repeated exposure to asbestos in its industrial forms. These professions could be electricians, construction workers, bricklayers, mechanics, insulators and people involved with commercial or home construction before the 1970s.The families of these workers or people were also at risk, since they may have inhaled asbestos through the employee’s clothing or hair.

As more and people are getting aware of mesothelioma and asbestos there has been a significant amount of increase in lawsuits against companies who irresponsibly used asbestos, exposing their employees to the threat of mesothelioma and other life-threatening asbestos-related illnesses. If you were exposed to asbestos at any period of time you can get yourself diagnosed for mesothelioma. A mesothelioma sufferer or his family can contact an asbestos attorney who is experienced in mesothelioma litigation. A mesothelioma lawyer will help the person recover damages for the pain and suffering incurred through asbestos exposure.