Can You Use the Law of Attraction to Change a Negative Self-Image?

You probably already know this, but if you are going to successfully transform your life through the Law of Attraction, the first thing you will have to do is believe that you deserve what you want.

Unfortunately, most people suffer from a very low self-image. This, in turn, causes them to lack confidence and any belief on their part that theydeservethe good things in life.

The problem then becomes a kind of a Catch-22. You want things to change in your life for the better, but you find you are unable to take the steps necessary to successfully use the Law of Attraction in this endeavor because you don't believe you really deserve anything better than what you have.

Now, the Law of Attraction follows your thoughts, which will automatically follow your beliefsuntil you take conscious control of those thoughts, and learn through practice to redirect them to concentrating on what you want.

So the first thing you have to work on is a new self-image.

Take a lined piece of paper and write down, quickly and without too much analysis, at least ten things that youthinkare facts about yourself.

Then write down ten things that you have been told about yourself by authority figures (like parents, teachers, etc.), and peers.

Don't just concentrate on negative things, but do be completely honest with this list. After all, you are the only one who is going to see it.

Now, for every negative thing, write down the opposite in the form of an affirmation. Make it a short, present tense statement.

For example, if others have told you that you are a slow learner, write down something like, "I learn things quickly and I grasp concepts easily."

If you think you have a poor memory, try an affirmation like, "I easily retain and instantly access any information that I need."

If you think, for any reason whatsoever, that you do not deserve the good things that life has to offer, change it with an affirmation like, "I am worthy and deserving of the best life has to offer."

Some people can work with as many as ten affirmations at a time; I personally have found it easier to choose just three and work with them until my beliefs shift.

However many you choose to work with let them become a kind of a mantra that you repeat as often as possible. One of the best times to do this is while taking a shower, because you can say them out loud and no one but you and your inner self will hear them.

At first you may feel as though you are lying to yourself. But please keep in mind the following: it's entirely possible that you have been living your life up until now based upon lies, intentional or otherwise.

So give yourself a chance by doing this.

You have nothing to lose, and after a few days the Law of Attraction will begin the necessary steps to align your new thinking with the infinite possibilities of the Universe, the good things you want will gravitate toward you because of your new, positive self-image.