3 Reasons Why Gratitude is Your Key to Success

Being in a state of gratitude can be extremely powerful. Here are 3 reasons why being grateful is a major key to achieve success in any area of your life. By using the information in this article and adopting a regular attitude of gratitude, you can get closer right now to whatever it is that you want in your life.

1. Being grateful makes you feel good.

If you are reading this, chances are that you already know a bit about the Law of Attraction. It is important to know that this Law is always active. It is very popular these days in different personal development programs and it is used some times to attract material goods but ultimately to bring more happiness. That's why so many teachers tell us to feel good and happy as much as possible. By feeling this way, the Law of Attraction responds by sending us more happiness.

When you are truly grateful about something in your life, you automatically feel good or better. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel bad, think about something that you are grateful for. It can be anything: your health, your parents, your kids or simply the fact of being alive. You will instantly feel better.

2. Being grateful raises your vibrations.

Quantum physics tell us that everything in our Universe is a bunch of packets of energy vibrating at different frequencies. All matter, thoughts and feelings are vibrations. The Law of Attraction responds to those vibrations and will bring more of the same, whatever they are. So if you feel lower frequency vibrations like fear, anger, hatred, doubt or worry then that is what you are going to get back. However, if you feel higher frequency vibrations like love, joy and happiness this is what you will receive more of.

This brings us back to my first reason: by being grateful you feel good instantly and you are vibrating at a higher frequency. The Universe will respond to that frequency and you will attract more of it in your life. For example, if you take some time to really feel grateful about a new money making opportunity that suddenly appeared in your life, then chances are that new money making opportunities will keep coming to you.

3. Being grateful makes you feel as if you already have what you want.

Gratitude is very useful for sending your orders out to the Universe. This brings in another very important aspect about the Law of Attraction and that is Faith. If you try to apply the Law of Attraction to bring anything into your life but don't really believe that you can receive it, then it is very unlikely that you will have it. The Law of Attraction will still work but it will manifest your doubts, worries or concerns.

Instead, if you feel grateful about something that you don't already have in your physical existence, then you are feeling as if you already have it. You have to know that it's not because you don't have or see what you want with your five physical senses that it's not already there. Before you ask, it is given unto you! You just have to allow yourself to receive it and to get in vibrational harmony with it. That's what gratitude allows you to do.

So these were my 3 main reasons why gratitude is your key to success. By feeling grateful right now and a few times each day for what you have and what you desire, you can start to change your life in a very positive way.