The Law of Attraction and the Power of NOW - And a Quick Exercise in Quantum Physics

The greatest power that we have in our lives is this present moment. The Law of Attraction is a constant, just like the Law of Gravity. And just like gravity, it is always operating in our lives.

You can no more suspend the Law of Attraction for a few moments, in order to indulge in limited thinking, than you can convince the Law of Gravity to change its nature just while you leap safely from the top of a skyscraper down to the sidewalk below. That's why it's called a Law, as opposed to a Theory.

You can no more have the Theory of Attraction than you can have the Theory of Gravity. Any attempt to live your life along those lines will have grave consequences.

To some people, that's unfortunate. They would really like to be able to indulge in intense convictions of limitations throughout most of the day, then spend 5 minutes invoking the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires.

We think around 60,000 thoughts over every 24-hour period, - and each and every one of those thoughts begins to materialize at its point of inception. This is the nature of reality...and this is how we create our reality.

Look around you, - your home, your friends and family, your work and financial situation, - everything you see and experience,you created.

It does no good to whine about the things and situations in your life that you don't like. Accept responsibility for it. By doing this, you are acknowledging the unlimited power within you that is constantly responding to your thoughts and beliefs.

No matter what your situation, accepting responsibility for it will open a mental door between your egotistical, outer self and your inner creative self.

Nowis the best time to start changing your beliefs and the thoughts that automatically follow them.

An Exercise in Quantum Physics

1. Make a numbered list of everything you can do, both physically and mentally.
2. Make another list of everything you have everthoughtabout doing, even if you had only slightly considered them. For example, no matter what your present work is, did you ever daydream about being a singer, an actor, a scientist? Leavenothingoff of this list, including things you used to imagine being as a child.

These two lists are the most precious things you have, - because they represent the quantum possibilities for fulfillment that you, as an unlimited multidimensional being, have at your disposal.

The best news is, since our thoughts are free from time and space, any one of these directions can still be followed. Reality is open-ended. There are no closed systems.

Open your mind to the myriad other possibilities for fulfillment available to you, relax, and start connecting your thoughts and imagination in one of those directions.

As you do this, you will come to realize that time, and it's assumed past, is an illusion.The present is the point of your power.