How You Can Use the Law of Attraction to Become Wealthy

Are you running into the same problems of so many people today, and wondering if there is some way that the Law of Attraction can help you change your circumstances and bring you wealth?

Do you read the newspapers or watch TV and let the bad news about the economy depress you? Or worse, have you lost your job or found that the value of your savings is dwindling as this recession grinds on?

The present situation has been caused by greed, - and the basis for greed is a belief in scarcity. It all follows the Law of Thinking, which is one of the supporting Laws of the Law of Attraction.

The most important thing to keep in mind about the Law of Attraction is how it works. What you think about, you bring about.

Now, what I am about to tell you may sound like so much Pollyanna nonsense that you throw up your hands and say, "It's impossible. I'll just give in and be broke, like everybody else. We're in a recession. It's practically a depression. It's all downhill from here."

Nonsense. Did you know that half of the Fortune 500 companies today were begun in the midst of the grinding poverty of the Great Depression? That's right. A full half of the most successful companies in the world got their start during one of the worst financial periods this world has ever seen.

False beliefs and erroneous thinking are causing the present situation in this world.

And yes, the Law of Attraction is doing its job. It is aligning the thoughts of the masses with the possibilities of the Universe to bring about these dire situations.

It's not personal. The Law of Attraction is no more capable of playing favorites that the Law of Gravity or the Law of Physics.

The Universe is a different story. The more you learn about the Universe and its infinite possibilities for actualization, the more you will see and experience the Universe as having a benevolent intent, - but it, too, is bound by certain Laws...and if you spend most of your day engaging in negative thinking, the Universe cannot supersede the Law of Attraction to bring you the positive results you say you want.

You want wealth instead of poverty or insecurity. Intend it! It's time for you to take control of your thoughts and to refuse to be manipulated by the mass reactive thinking being produced by people who do not know about the Law of Attraction, who do not want to know about the Law of Attraction, and who will ridicule you for trying to change what, to them, is inevitable.

Pull away from the depressing news and the people who spend most of their day complaining about how bad things are.

Make yourself a vision board by taking a poster board and gluing pictures of what you want in your life on it. Write affirmations (short positive statements written in the present tense) of what you want in your life. Look at your vision board every morning when you get up, and speak those affirmations as if you mean them. Do the same every night before you go to sleep. Dream big.

If you go to the ocean with a thimble or a five-gallon jug, the ocean is easily capable of filling both and never missing the water. The Law of Attraction doesn't care either, and the Universe will be only too happy to gift you with what you want.