The Relationship Between Money and the Law of Attraction

The amount of money that you have or that you lack is a direct result of your thinking. It is in complete accord with the Law of Attraction, which states clearly that what you think about, you bring about.

At any point in time and space, the economy of a nation is the result of the thoughts of the mass mind...the greatest number of people thinking certain thoughts. In this case, thoughts of lack. The primary thought is that there is not enough to go around.

Yes, it is true that numerous things have been mishandled, and the cause is most likely that of greed. Greed, if you examine it closely, is usually fear-based.

Greed caused corporations to outsource jobs in order to increase the bottom line of their profit. But those same corporations never took into account that they were impoverishing the very customer base that once purchased their products.

Their main concern was their profits, and the over-inflated salaries and bonuses of their CEO's.

Yes, the Law of Attraction has been at work even in this instance. And their fear-based thinking is coming home to roost.

You have a choice to make, possibly the most important one you have ever made in your life. You can choose not to participate in a failing economy.

Yes, now is the time for you to come to a decision with regard to your own economy. Because no matter what the condition is of the nation's or the world's economy, you have the power to choose your thoughts, and the Law of Attraction will just as easily and just as certainly bring those conditions into your life.

You are the only thinker in your universe; you are not at the mercy of the thoughts and beliefs of others unless you choose to be.

If you are saying to yourself, "But I'm out of work, the business where I worked has closed and it won't be reopening," then you are trying to tell the Universe how your money has to come...and that doesn't work.

It is not your job to decide how the Law of Attraction will align your thoughts of wealth and abundance so that the Universe can manifest it in your life. Even trying to do so is a way of limiting the Universe, when in fact something far better than what you think is the only way you can experience wealth is entirely possible.

You are the only thinker in your world. There is no outside power.