The Wonders of the Law of Attraction

Clearly stated, the Law of Attraction says that what we think about, we bring about. When you think about it, this is the greatest gift any human being could ever receive. The Law of Attraction works for everyone; rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, influential or unimportant. This law, like all laws, is no respecter of persons.

In fact, the Law of Attraction is the great equalizer. It is as constant and irrefutable as the Law of Gravity, - and every human being on this planet has equal access to it. No matter what your present situation is, by changing the thoughts you habitually think you can change your circumstances, - regardless of how long those circumstances have existed. With the Law of Attraction, you can literally be in a position where you are starting with nothing, and through taking conscious control of your thoughts, you will attract, from the Universe, every good thing you have ever dreamed of.

Through a careful study of the Law of Attraction and those laws that support it, you will begin to realize that no matter who you are, no matter where you are at this point in your life, by taking control of your thoughts and choosing new mental images, you have within you the unlimited power to totally transform your life into what you want it to be.

More than likely, you learned to think in a certain way because of a limiting belief system that your parents and/or authority figures imposed upon you before you were capable of critical thought. You were too young at the time to question those beliefs, and they have stayed with you all this time: coloring the landscape of your thoughts with the dark and muddy hues of limitations.

In some cases the limiting beliefs that were impressed upon you were given out of a feeling that they would protect you. In some cases, they were born of a desire to control you for the gain of others, either individuals or institutions. It doesn't matter. That was in the past, and this is now. This is your life. The decision is yours as to what you want to do with it.

You are not at the mercy of the past. In fact, you are not even at the mercy of past thoughts or limiting beliefs. All you have to do is choose right now, in this present moment, to think differently than the way you have been thinking. You can change the painting on the canvas of your life. Your thoughts are the colors, and the Law of Attraction is the brush you will use.