The Law of Attraction - A Detailed Overview

Have you ever been in a situation where you mention the Law of Attraction, and when the person to whom you are speaking asks you to explain it, you cannot, even though it seems to you that you understand it fully?

Stripped down to its barest, the Law of Attraction states that:

1. What we think about we will attract into our lives.

2. Our emotional reactions to the thoughts we think increase the attracting power of our thoughts exponentially.

If we want to know how well we are succeeding in using our thoughts to transform our lives, the best gauge we have is the state of our emotions.

We succeed in changing our lives through the attracting power of our thoughts when our emotions are in sync with our thoughts.

The problem we run into here is that we have been accustomed to thinking in a certain way, and that way has manifested things in our lives that we do not want. That certain way of thinking is, unfortunately, what our emotional self has become most comfortable with.

When we consciously make the effort to change our thoughts in order to change our lives, we are leaving the comfort zone in which we have been living. As uncomfortable as that comfort zone actually is, it is the one in which both our thoughts and emotions have been aligned.

The decision to leave the comfort zone creates a certain amount of stress, and our emotions become uncomfortable. It is almost as if they are telling us, "Stay where you are. You're used to this. It may not be what you want, but at least you know what to expect."

In a manner of speaking, this creates a tug-of-war between what you are trying to create with your new way of thinking and your emotions. Always keep in mind the following: our minds are basically curious, enjoying the sensation of seeking out new and unexplored thoughts and possibilities. But our emotions are there to protect us, - they seek the safety of habit and, for the most part, dislike change because it does not come with a guarantee.

Our thinking selves enjoy things that are new and adventurous; our adult emotional selves prefer the guarantee of what they are accustomed to, even if it is painful.

Is there a solution? Of course there is.

When you are in the process of thinking, not of how things are, but of how you want them to be, - do your best to engage the childlike aspects of your emotional self. Let yourself feel how wonderful your new life will be once these desired changes take place.

After two or three days, your emotional self will not only stop displaying signs of stress, but it will begin to support your efforts with enthusiasm.

For despite the fact that the Law of Attraction states that it is our thoughts that attract the things we experience in our lives, - the reasons we have for wanting to change our lives come down to our emotions: we want more joy, fulfillment, and security.