The Dangers of the Law of Attraction

The good news about the Law of Attraction is that it is always operating in our lives.

The bad news about the Law of Attraction is is always operating in our lives.

You see, while the Universe itself is predisposed to the creation of positive things, the Law of Attraction is impersonal. Simply stated, "You get what you think about."

This is one of the reasons why it is important for anyone trying tosuccessfullyuse the Law of Attraction to learn about the 11 other laws that are the foundation on which the Law of Attraction rests.

Look around you, and take a quick look at what is in the news today. The state of the world is a clear representation of the thinking that has been engaged in by the majority of its inhabitants.

There are wars being fought over the control of natural resources, based for the most part upon the belief in scarcity.

There are people being killed out of vengeance, because so few people have learned about the Law of Forgiveness.

Some people who were born into wealth and therefore never learned how to create it themselves, are hoarding their money and assets because they are ignorant of the Law of Increase.

In a world of almost 7 billion people, there are those who spend their lives wanting to experience a loving relationship with their soul-mate, but who are unable to let go of the protective shields they have put in place over their hearts and emotions. They are ignorant of the Law of Non-Resistance.

These are just a few examples of the dangers inherent in the Law of Attraction. It is always in operation, and like any law, it is no respecter of persons.

I believe this is one of the reasons why in the movie, "The Secret", we are told that we are not here to change the world.

Our job, our mission, is to change ourselves. To change our way of thinking in order to allow the Universe to bring us what we want.

The interesting thing to note here is that as we change our thinking and become more adept in using the Law of Attraction to transform our lives, not only do we experience the positive results in our own lives, but the people around us will become curious...and quite possibly, they too will want to learn how tocorrectlyuse the Law of Attraction.

As they develop skill and knowledge in using it, others will begin to want to learn also. In this way, we have the opportunity to first transform our own situations, and through a wonderful cascading effect, we will begin to change the world.