Attracting What You Want With the Law of Attraction

The first point I would like to make is this: you have been using the Law of Attraction all along. I realize that this is not a popular idea, but the fact of the matter is the Law has been a constant in your life since you were first capable of thought.

The difference, now that you are aware of its existence, is you want to know how to bring more of the things you desire into your life, and get rid of the things in your life that you find undesirable.

The first thing you must do is get an absolutely clear image of what you want to manifest.

I find the easiest way to begin is with a pie chart, divided equally into quarters.

Let quarter number one represent love (family, friends, and soul-mate).

Quarter number two can represent wealth (income, material goods, and savings).

Quarter number three will represent your physical situation (appearance, exercise, and health).

The fourth quarter should represent your spirituality (your outlook toward humankind, religious beliefs, spiritual interests).

Write them down as they are at present.

Now, make another pie chart, divided in the same manner. This time, write things down, not as they are, but as you would like them to be. Donotwrite them as something that will happen in the future, but as if this is already a fact of existence in your life.

This is not the time to be 'reasonable'. These charts are for your eyes only.

I suggest you work with the second chart over a period of about three days, because it's important that you get it to exactly the way you want your life to be. If you can, cut out pictures to help your 'imaging' power.

Once you feel that your second chart is an ideal representation of how you want all aspects of your life to be, take a match to the first chart. This is a symbolic act, and the Universe seems to respond well to symbols.

Then, every evening just before you go to sleep, as you get into a sleepy state of mind, look at each quarter of your chart, read what you have written, and allow the feeling of already having this change in your life well up within you.

In the morning, make your chart the first think you see and reflect upon when you wake up. If necessary, set your alarm five minutes earlier than usual to allow you this. It really is that important.

This is a powerful way to effect change in your life. All it requires is the original effort, and the persistence to follow through, 'until the day breaks, and the shadows flee.'