How the Law of Attraction Can Help and Hinder You

The Law of Attraction is like a double-edged sword. Yes, if we learn how to properly use this law, we can successfully achieve anything we want in our lives, no matter what our present circumstances are. But if we do not take the time to learn to use it properly, we could easily end up making our situations worse.

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction states that the thoughts you choose to think will bring like experiences into your reality. This knowledge should be both liberating and empowering. Unfortunately, taking control of our thoughts processes requires genuine effort.

We look at the world around us and at our present experience, and we fail to see the connection: that we have been using the Law of Attraction all along, and, because of our way of thinking, this is what we have manifested. We are not really taught to think for ourselves from our parents or authority figures, - rather, we are told that things are a certain way. Questioning authority is discouraged.

So we grow into adulthood with a limiting set of beliefs that tells us there is nothing we can do to change the things that make us unhappy. The Law of Attraction is always operating...we think according to our beliefs, and we experience life accordingly.

In our lives, we have the full freedom to change anything we want to change, and the absolute power to attract into our lives anything we want to attract, - but the first thing we must do is shake ourselves loose from the bonds of our beliefs.

Many people who had some success when they first began consciously working with their thoughts and the Law of Attraction became frustrated because, at a certain point, it seemed to them that it was no longer working.

The Law of Attraction is always at work. There is no time or place that it takes a break, anymore than the Law of Gravity suspends itself for a few short minutes.

Your mind is yours to control. You have the full freedom to choose the thoughts and mental images that flow through it and out into the Universe.

You can continue thinking in the same old way, according to the same old limiting beliefs, or you can decide right now, in this moment, to start thinking in a new and different a way that will allow you to use the Law of Attraction to bring you, not what you have experienced up until this point, but what you genuinely desire.

The choice is yours.