How "definiteness Of Purpose" Will Help You Achieve Success

Do you want to live the “good life”, have “plenty” money, be “happy”, and have a “good” job? Most people that have little or only average success have wants and desires exactly like these and these desires often don’t materialize. Is it because they went to the wrong university, earned the wrong degree, or live in the wrong city? Of course these things may have some bearing on their lack of success, but, most likely, these average people are suffering from a lack of “definiteness of purpose”.

You may be confused as to what exactly “definiteness of purpose” means. Simply put, “definiteness of purpose” isknowing exactly what you want and having a burning desire to possess it. It’s not enough to want to be “happy” and have money. You need to determine exactly what it is that will make you happy and exactly what you want your life to be. If your desires are vague and weak then your efforts will be as well.

However, if your goal is to be a millionaire by the time you are forty from running your own cake decorating shop, then you are on your way! This desire is specific in every way. It describeswhatyou want,how muchmoney you want, and adefiniteend date for achievement. A desire like this will light a fire in you to succeed. It will inspire you to work on in the face of failure and defeat. It will develop superhuman persistence and extraordinary concentration. Any desire less exact than this will produce weak efforts and will most likely not be achieved.

Here are some great ways to define your purpose in life:

  1. Think about what you always wanted and determine to have it.

Don’t be afraid to dream big. Think of the exact amount of money you would like to earn yearly and how you would like to do it. The number you come up with shows exactly how much you think you are worth, so make it a big one. Be very specific and think about exactly how you want your life to be in every way. This will give you definiteness of purpose and the “secret ingredients” of enthusiasm, concentration, and, most importantly, persistence.

  1. Commit your life’s desires to writing

Write a contract for yourself. It should contain everything that you thought about in defining your purpose. This makes your inner desires concrete and is the first step in turning your thoughts into material reality.

  1. Read your statement aloud.

Go somewhere you won’t be disturbed and read your statement aloud. Doing this over and over every day,with feeling, will help you visualize and believe that youcanhave what you want. This is essential if your efforts are to meet with success.

Combine the above steps with persistence, concentration, and enthusiasm and you are well on your way to achieving your heart’s desires.

Good Luck!