Five Steps to Having a Positive Mental Attitude

Five Steps to Having a Positive Mental Attitude

Have you heard the adage "You are what you eat?" Meaning, what foods you constantly eat determines your physical health and in part, mental attitude (MA), well the same is true for your mind. The thoughts you constantly focus on will determine your MA, positive thoughts= a positive mental attitude (PMA), negative thoughts = a negative mental attitude (NMA), and your mental attitude is reflected in how you take care of your health.

The secret is, your subconscious mind can not determine positive from negative, that is not its job; it feeds back what is put in so "garbage in, garbage out," (GiGo). Example, if I want to be a successful entrepreneur and focus on all of the reasons I am not, that's what my subconscious will feed me, all of the reasons I am not a successful entrepreneur. The following are some steps you can take to achieve your goals.

1. Seek out like minded people, don't ask a couch potato how to be successful, unless you want to be a successful couch potato. The person who is not successful can not show you how to become a success; and they probably do not want you to become successful because it magnifies their failure. So seek out those who want what you want and mastermind with them.

2. Read positive thinking, self improvement books. You can also read how to books in the field you are venturing into, but always include positive thinking and self improvement books in your library, because the most important aspect is a PMA.

3. Find people who have achieved what you want and make them your mentors. You do not have to personally know them, just know of them or join an organization they are leading. However, if you can make personal contact with one of them you will benefit more. Real successful people love to share their knowledge, it helps them to give back to society and solidifies what they know. If I am successful and I can mentor you to success it reinforces my knowledge.

4. As you receive knowledge, act on it, if you squirrel knowledge away you will lose it. Procrastination is death to any dream. Only through action do you gain know how. I procrastinated for three months before I got up the courage to make my first video, I could have been well on my way to financial freedom, if not there but for the fact that I was camera shy. Even after my mentor told me that to be successful on the Internet I had to put one video a day out over the next 90 days, I waited 90 days to produce my first one because I let fear overcome my desire for financial freedom. After making my first video, I am loving the camera, it's my best friend, I love having conversations with it and everyday I'm getting better and better.

5. Enjoy the journey, life is not about reaching goals, it's about the journey to your goal. If you are not enjoying the journey you are letting life pass you by. Most of all you will miss out on the lessons life has to teach you. Each goal we obtain should be fill with learning experiences that helped us grow, success is more about personal development than it is about earning money. With a PMA you know that where you are at now does not determine who you are. A reporter was preparing to interview a famous restaurateur and in her research of his name came across a homeless person about ten years back with the same name. During the interview she mentioned her findings and asked if the restaurateur was related or knew him. The man said it was him, the reporter asked in shock, when he was destitute if he thought he would achieve what he had achieved. He stated that he was never destitute, where he was, was not who he was, he always knew he would be great that was just a temporary situation.

The famous producer Tyler Perry was homeless at one time, on his way to fame. He knew it was just a temporary situation. There are countless other examples I can think of, it's all in their MA, their PMA. If you would like to be introduced to my mentor and learn how to develop a PMA on your way to financial freedom go to / . For an example of a community that fosters PMA call (507) 726-3494 PIN# 11267 Monday-Thursday @10:30 AM (call in about five minutes early to reserve your spot) and hear people around the globe getting there daily dose of PMA.