A Cosmic Ordering For Beginners Guide

"Where do I begin, " the student asked. "Begin at the beginning, " the teacher replied. The same is true of cosmic ordering for beginners. You need to lay the foundations of a house before you can build the actual structure. You will not succeed at cosmic ordering if you try to build a castle before you know how to lay a brick.

Because the concept of cosmic ordering is said to be so simple and magical, it can be a big disappointment if you take a magic wand approach to it and don't see results with the first flick of the wrist. The principles behind it are sound, if you look at them in the right spirit.

The cosmos is infinitely abundant and we are all a part of that abundance. There is not a religion or sage in history who has not said that in one way or another. Somehow, though, we never seem to get the message.

Hindus call the world we live in "Maya." A good English translation of maya is "illusion." We are not separated from God or the Cosmos, but we have an illusory belief that we are. Those who have seen through the illusion of separateness have come up with techniques like cosmic ordering to help us open our eyes as well.

The first thing you need to do in order to penetrate the veil of illusion is to become quiet and tranquil inside and just feel the reality of divine abundance for yourself. Don't confuse this with an abundance of money or things - it is a far greater and more satisfying abundance.

Cosmic ordering for beginners doesn't ask much from you. Open the door of your heart and feel grateful to the cosmos for having already filled your cosmic order. You will be amazed by how even the lemons in your life will become opportunities for making lemonade! Just one taste of this will help make cosmic ordering work for you.