How to Fully Understand the Law of Attraction

Ever since the movie, "The Secret", was released, the Law of Attraction has become a household word. Despite this fact, a lot of people who want to use it to transform their lives are having trouble understanding what it really is, and how it works.

First of all, the Law of Attraction is neither an object nor a living entity. It is as impersonal as the Law of Gravity, and just as much of a constant in our lives.

There are three main things to consider here:

1. The Universe

The Universe in which we live is like a sea of conscious energy. In this all-pervasive consciousness there exists infinite possibilities for every mental thought, - for the fulfillment of every possible desire. This sea of conscious energy possesses the infinite intelligence to bring any desired action, event, or object into perceivable physical reality.

Further to this, this Universal Consciousness is predisposed to the actualization of positive things and only nominally disposed to the actualization of negative things. In short, it actually requires more effort to bring about negative situations than it does positive events.

This is one of the reasons that Michael Beckwith claimed, in "The Secret", that one positive thought was more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts.

2. The Law of Attraction

This is the law, or principle, that is always in action. Broken down to its most basic premise, "Your inner, mental life is the 'first cause' in drawing the effects upon which you have concentrated into your physical life: Your thoughts are the cause, and your physical experience is the effect.

To anthropomorphize the explanation, the Universewantsto give you what you want, but the only way It can know what that desire is, is from the thoughts, or mental images, you constantly hold in your mind. Your thoughts act like magnets.

This is the Law of Attraction. The Universe can only give you what you want by aligning itself with your thoughts and mental imagery.

It cannot give you gold if all you think about is lead.

3. Your Thoughts (Mental Imagery)

Our ability to think, to create mental images, and to imagine the outcome exactly as we want it to be is the greatest gift that has been bestowed upon us by the Universe.

We can look at a situation and mentally decide it's hopeless, - and that will lead to a feeling of despair.

Or we can rise up and take the control of our lives, using our thoughts the way we were meant to, and decide to 'think' a new outcome into being.

Either way, we are using our thoughts to engage the Law of Attraction to bring us, not necessarily what we want, but what we think.

We were never meant to be victims, and the sooner we learn to use our thoughts as the tools they were originally meant to be, the sooner our expertise in successfully following the Law of Attraction to create our lives as we want them to be will manifest.