How To Let Go Of The Past, Quickly And Easily

When you hang on to the past and replay old hurts or scenarios that you regret you stay stuck.   It has the effect of conjuring up the emotions of those memories. Letting go of past hurts and regrets is the path to freedom.  Although the lessons of your past can help you make wiser decisions in the future, the negative emotions that are associated with them are what you should be working on clearing.  The lessons from the Law of Attraction teach us that whatever you focus on, with emotion expands.  So, if you are primarily conjuring up negative emotions, you will get more of the same.  Thankfully, there are some simple techniques that you can use to clear those negative emotions that weigh you down.

ZPoint is an effective technique that can clear many aspects of an emotional trauma very quickly.  You simply focus on the feeling and apply the technique while repeating your cue word.  Here's an example of how you can use ZPoint to clear negative memories from your past.

Whenever I think about the past, I feel (repeat cue word)

I clear all the ways I feel this feeling (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways I feel this feeling because (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways I feel this feeling whenever (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways I may feel this feeling if (repeat cue word)

I clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways these parts may not want to release these feelings because (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways these parts may benefit from holding on to these feelings (repeat cue word)
I clear all the ways these parts wouldn't feel safe by releasing these feelings right now (repeat cue word)

You can even clear the charge from specific memories from your past.  ZPoint works better if you don't identify the specific emotion.  It seems to limit the process because emotions are energy and what you want to zero in on is the negative energy that a memory invokes.  Below are some examples.

Whenever I think about my parents divorce, I feel....
Whenever I think about how my Grade 4 teacher yelled at me in front of the whole class, I feel.....
Whenever I think about how I felt when I discovered that my college sweetheart was cheating on me, I feel....
Whenever I think about how much money I lost on that investment, I feel...

You'll be amazed at how much distress you can clear in a short span of time.  You may need to repeat this process several times or not, everyone is different but you will experience a new level of serenity from following this exercise, even the first time.