Watching What You Are Eating

Watching what we eat seems to be a major problem in the United States. Especially with a growing number of Americans being granted access to work from the comfort of their own homes produces a lot of problems as the 'comfort' often turns into comfort food every time they get up from their desk to head to the kitchen.
There is a rumor that once you go away to college, you gain at least fifteen pounds during your stay. The same has been said about marriage. Rather, it is a matter of choice. No one is forcing you to get up and go the refrigerator; nor is anyone forcing you to take something unhealthy out of the refrigerator. Instead, when you go to your refrigerator or to a restaurant, you can make the conscious decision to choose something healthy. Don't have anything healthy in your home? That may be the problem. In fact, most Americans fail to keep food items in their homes that are nutritious.
Tips for eating healthier start with what you wind up buying from the grocery stores. For instance, when you shop at the grocery store, where do you usually begin your food shopping? For many people, even though the produce section is right in front of the, they seldom ever start there! Instead, they head right for the bakery or to one of the many aisles containing the processed and canned food items. In fact, research has shown that in order to start eating healthier, you need to begin by shopping the perimeter of the supermarket.  Throw some healthier food into your shopping car such as carrots, green lettuce, spinach, Kale, cauliflower, vine ripened tomatoes and other antioxidant-rich veggies. Get to know what types of fruits are in season and head straight for them. This will actually wind up saving you quite a bit of money where food shopping is concerned. Another suggestion is to start planning your meals in advance. Depending on the kind of person you are, this may involve writing the individual meals down. Needless to say, if you set aside a little time each week to plan out your meals, than not only will you be less stressed over trying to figure out what to cook, but you will also be less stressed at the supermarket when you go to look for certain items because you will already know what it is you need for your various meals.
Following these few simple rules about food shopping will help to prevent you from overeating and will also give you a brighter on life. Remember, you are what you eat, and if you are consuming a diet that is high in fruits and veggies, then you are working doubly as hard to stave off conditions and disease such as heart attack, cancer or stroke.