3 Law of Attraction Myths Revealed

There are many myths that seem to circulate with the law of attraction and it seems that the more myths that there are,  the more confusion it creates as to what the law of attraction really is and how to use the law of attraction to get real results that you can see and feel.

What are some of these myths?

1.  That your mind will attract things and you can just sit back and watch them appear.This has to be the number one myth that not only sells products that aren't worth buying,  but that keeps people from attracting much of anything.  Look,  if you want to become the next "Buddha,"  that's fine.  If you want to learn how to manifest things in your life that will actually change how your live and experience,  life,  then you have to let go of this myth.

2.  Learning the law of attraction will make your rich.It's won't.  All it will do is give some explanantion as to why certain things happen.  You have to LEARN and APPLY what you learn to start seeing real results,  whether that has to do with money or anything else that you want to manifest.

3.  Visualization is the secret ingredient to making the law of attraction work.Some people don't even really use visualizations much at all and they still seem to attract the things that they want in their life.  Visualization is a TOOL and it is very helpful.  But,  it is not the missing "secret" to the law of attraction.  Just visualizing your goal is not going to make it happen.  It's a tool,  it's a step,  but it's not the entire process.

If you want to see real results with the law of attraction,  then you have to let go of these three myths.  Otherwise,  you will not be able to manifest what you want and you will be prone to buy the "hot" product of the month that makes HUGE promises and delivers very little in the way of results.

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