Why the Law of Attraction is Not Working for You?

Recently I stumbled upon this “new secret” which is called “The Law of Attraction”. According to this “secret” if you want to get something you only have to really think of it.

The SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) say that you have to strongly imagine what you want and the universe will rearrange itself and that thing soon will become available to you. Basically they say that thoughts eventually become things. The thoughts are impulses released in the universe by us and the universe has to replay to them weather they are good or bad.

If you know and understand the mechanism of this “Law of Attraction” you will be able to acquire objects you wish, subjects you love or even the experiences you want. This “Law” is not making any difference of bad and good thoughts, so if your thoughts are bad you’re eventually going to obtain bad things or bad people around you because the universe will only respond to your thoughts. It turns out that you have to train yourself to control your mind and produce only good thoughts.

SMEs say that is not simple as that. It is not enough to just imagine things like children do. Supposedly this creative process has to be done in three steps:

  • You have to ASK what you want from the universe. Here you have to really ask what you want with visualization. You have to sit down and write down how your life wants to be. You have to look at the universe as a catalog and pick your products, experiences and people.
  • The universe than will ANSWER to you. The universe will rearrange itself to fit your needs. They say that everybody that achieved something big in their lives they didn’t know in advance how they going to do that. SMEs say that the universe is answering all the time 100% but the people at this point are getting disappointed. People are thinking: “I’m asking every night but nobody is listening.” But they are forgetting the third step and that is,
  • You have to know how to RECEIVE it. That means you have to bring yourself into alignment with what you’ve asked for, or with the universe. It means don’t despair and feel bad but be enthusiastic and bring your passion and feelings in this final step of the process like you already have what you’ve asked for. Do something that will generate the feelings of having that thing now. Don’t hesitate and act on the opportunity. The SMEs say that this will attract what you were craving for.

        So what to say? Do you believe in this? I certainly don’t. Firstly I don’t believe in this because it is contradicting the very essence of the teachings of the man who explored the human mind into the deepest layers of the consciousness - Buddha. Even more it is contradictory to the teachings of every single Avatar that ever stepped his foot on this Earth.

        I’m disagreeing with this “Law of Attraction” not because I’m fond of the teachings of Buddha or Jesus or anybody else, but I’m disagreeing because it is not making any sense to me. It looks and smells like a scam.

        It is very obvious that the greed of the man is infinite. You don’t need Buddha or Jesus or Mohamed to tell you that. That is proved through the history of the mankind. You know it from your life experience. You can tell that if you just look at the people around you for one day, or to make it simpler and maybe more convenient (for someone inconvenient) you can tell that if you just look at yourself for one day.

        If this “Law of Attraction” works and if everybody manages to understand it and precisely apply it, since the eye of the man is full of greed, everybody in this world will wish to infinitum and their wishes will come true. And they will, because nobody will stop at their third “Porsche”. They will continue to wish other things and they will fall into the bottomless abyss.

        Imagine that you have a lamp with a genie and the genie is granting to you not three but countless number of wishes. The name of that genie would be “The Law of Attraction”. And were would be the limit? How you will limit your wishes? You will already know that you can literally have “everything”.

        Personally me, if I knew how this “Law” works, I would wish for the whole world. Even better I would wish to have control over the whole universe. And others will do exactly the same. And than what happens? The SMEs are explaining that everybody desires different things in their lives and that is the reason why the universe is managing to grant all the wishes to everybody who is working under the “Law of Attraction” which, by the way, is the law of the universe.

        I think that there is no wish in the world that can be truly granted. Even if some desire comes true we will see that we did not desire what we’ve got. We desire wealth, the wealth comes, but again something is wrong, because in the first place we were not wishing for the wealth but for the state of mind, or happiness that had to come with the wealth. That happiness never came and we feel disappointed and frustrated even when we have wealth. Than we have to wish for something else. It is like chasing the rainbow.

        Every desire has potential in itself to give a birth to a brand new thousand desires. Therefore the desires are futile and they only bring anxiety and frustration. So, the “desire less” state should bring relaxation and wellbeing to our lives.

        But this “Law” is stating the opposite that every desire can be fulfilled if you know how to apply the mechanism of “the secret”, which is really paradoxical. Than everybody who knows “the secret” will wish for literally everything and by “the Law” every wish must and will come true. Than those people who know “the secret” will simultaneously have everything which is not possible, except if they live in parallel universes or in a multiverse!!!

        However this doctrine is very well putted in place and supported by a number of authorities as a working theory. Good for them, because selling this “Law” makes a lot of money.