Visualise And Attract For Greater Results

Visualization and its Power

Building Mental Strength to Overcome Obstacles.

How does a person achieve mental strength to perform a miracle? How do you depart from “normal” thinking and step outside of your life? This is really the million dollar question. There are quintillion tools to help you build mental strength:

  • Wealth-building tapes
  • Money-making seminars
  • Positive-thinking seminars
  • Mentoring

,but the most important tool of all is past experience.

I know you are grimacing. Past experience can be a cruel tool to measure the future, but it can also be a constructive one. How? It is simple. If you put a positive spin on your past experience, then you can propel yourself to a positive future. If you put a negative spin on past experience, then you can only see negative in the future. So you simply must see the positive situation in today’s experience.

  • “I will receive unexpected checks in the mail.”
  • “Everything I touch turns to gold.”

Can you say this to yourself? You must be able to affirm positively to yourself and you must repeat daily without fail.

Repetition and Personalization is just as much for you as it is for building your personal power (chi)  characteristics. Repetition helps the sub-conscious mind accept these concepts and be at peace with them.

Repetition is absolutely required for those just starting into the use of this concept. Many people have to gradually believe that they are a money magnet. We as people tend to turn to the negative more often than not. This is why the majority of people are poor and uninformed. You need to repeat these positive words on a daily basis to refresh yourself. That’s why repetition is important because it breaks down the negative attitude that most people have merely by the nature of being human.

You see, most of us are stuck in a negative, low-threshold mindset. The only way to empower yourself is to free yourself from the grips of this mindset. For many people the refinement of a self-concept takes a lifetime. This is why many people grow richer over a lifetime. You don’t have a lifetime. You want to grow richer now. Physical wealth is only one facet of a positive mindset. Physical power, strength, and vitality are also fruits of a “wealthy” mindset. Some tools encourage nightly renewal of the positive mindset before bedtime. I would also encourage a similar practice.

Now let’s take a quick look at the subconscious mind and the limits it imposes on us throughout our lives.  Please remember that as a financial warrior that most people are negatively positioned in this arena. This makes you a BIG exception. You need to mentally refresh yourself saying supportive words over and over. This is a common theme in subliminal suggestion, hypnotic suggestion and many other forms of suggestion. The only difference is that your suggestions will affect the world, and not only apply to yourself and your own body. This will be the definitive difference. For many people the suggestions require the belief that your mind extends beyond your own body and out into the world. For some new age thinkers this concept is very familiar. For scientists this is not new.

The human brain generates a magnetic field as it is an electrical device, and as such that field does have a sphere of influence. Who is to say that that field has a finite range of effectiveness? For non-scientific, nonreligious, non-new age thinkers this concept is even harder to grasp. But I affirm it to be true.

For more detail on successfully using visualisation to attract results in your life visit in the UK and in the USA.