How to Use Visualization to Invoke the Law of Attraction and Quickly Manifest Your Desires

After the release of the movie The Secret, a lot of people claimed to have trouble using the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires. When questioned further, many of them would say things like, "I cannot get what I want. I really, really wish it could happen, but I know it will never happen to me. I guess I'm just no good at visualizing what I want."

This is a case of over-complicating something that is, in fact, quite simple. Visualization is the power of your mind to picture something, - to imagine it. Visualization in order to connect with the Law of Attraction simply means using your imagination, the picturing power of your mind, to focus on something that you would like to have.

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is in allowing yourself to choose what you want to manifest, - and not what someone else wants you to have, or what you think you should have as a goal. This happens more often than we often realize.

Our family, friends, and associates have a great deal of influence on us, and often, without meaning to, they persuade us to set a goal that they think we should want. This is not done with malicious intent, but often out of the honest belief that they know what is best for us.

Onlyyouknow what is best for you. The Law of Attraction works, and works quickly, but not if you are only focusing halfheartedly on goals that someone else has chosen for you. Choose for yourself, and trust that the rest will fall into place.

The other problem we can run into is when we live in close contact with someone who is very, very clear on what they want, and if we are not equally clear on what we want, a type of 'bleed-through' can occur, whereby they get what they want, and we get a hazy version of what we want, mixed liberally with a dose of what primarily interests them.

Get a clear picture in your mind of whatyoudesire. If you are vague about it, you will have trouble picturing it, and the Law of Attraction will take longer to manifest it for you. As well, it will not be exactly what you want. Why open yourself to the possibility of disappointment? Once you get clear about what you want, the Law of Attraction quickly proceeds to activate the necessary situations, people, and places to cause it to manifest in your life.