How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Abundance in Your Life

When the movie "The Secret" was released, the Law of Attraction became a household term. Unfortunately, despite the best intentions of the people who learned about it, less than eight per cent of them have actually been able to use it to manifest what they want in their lives. Why is this? Could it be that the whole idea was just a way to hoodwink people into spending money to see the movie?

No. The Law of Attraction works, but it does not work alone. It can only work in combination with 11 other universal laws, and in order to successfully use this law, you must learn about and follow the other universal laws that support it.

The Law of Increase

If you are trying to create wealth in your life, the first thing you have to do is rid yourself of your 'scarcity' consciousness.

We live in a world that is teeming with riches. It has been said that there is enough fruit that falls to the ground in the tropics to feed the entire planet. One tomato contains many seeds. Out of one tomato seed, how many tomato plants can you get? This is just one small example of the Law of Increase.

The Law of Thinking

Thought is the intangible power that produces tangible riches.

Everything you see, every form and every process, is the visible manifestation of an invisible thought. Everything that exists started out first as a thought-image. Before you can even get out of chair, you must first have the thought of moving from that chair. The Law of Thinking is behind everything.

Your thoughts are the tools you must use to create what you want in your life. In order to create wealth, you have to think thoughts of wealth.

The Law of Forgiveness

If you are deeply in debt, this law might be the most important one that you need to learn and follow. Many people do not realize it, but the word 'forgive' is also used to mean 'to cancel a debt.' In fact, one of the original translations of the Lord's Prayer states, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

No matter what has happened to you in the past, if you want the Law of Attraction to bring you wealth, you must forgive. Look at it this way. If you knew for a fact that, just by forgiving someone who once cheated you in a business deal, it could mean that somehow, your debts would be wiped clean, would it be worth it to you?

There is an orderly and infinite intelligence in this universe that works with your thoughts, and follows certain laws. Learn these laws, practice them, and within your lives, anything you want you will be able to create.