To Use the Law of Attraction, First Master the Law of ThinkingIn order to master The Law of Attraction, you must learn all you can about the Law of Thinking. Most people, when they hear this, shrug it off with phrases like, "No biggie. I think all the time. Doesn't everybody?" That is true. In fact, scientists tell us that we think an average of 60,000 thoughts per day. The question here is, how many of those thoughts have we consciously chosen to think, and how many of those thoughts are simply reactive thoughts? A reactive thought is something you think, based on a belief. Here is an example: You are driving along on a highway, keeping up with the flow of traffic. All of a sudden a car cuts in front of you. There is nothing special about that, it happens all the time. Now, let us dress up this example just a little. The car that has cut you off is an extremely expensive sports car, the kind you might be trying to manifest for yourself. Your first thought might be, "Say, that's the exact same car I'm using the Law of Attraction to bring to me." If so, then kudos to you. But what if your next thought is, "Typical. Rich guy, more money than brains. Probably thinks he owns the road. They're all like that." Then, my friend, you have a real problem. You see, your second thought just told you why you are having trouble using the Law of Attraction to bring what you want into your life. Go deeper and examine this second thought. It is a strong one, and that means it is based on a belief that you hold. Our thoughts follow our beliefs, and not the other way around. If on the one hand you think that you can attract this car into your life, but on the other hand, you believe that there is something wrong with the type of person who has this kind of car (and the lifestyle that goes with it), then you will not succeed. First, you have to change the belief. To do that you must dig deeper into that second thought. I assure you, it is about more than one thoughtless driver behind the wheel of an expensive sports car. Ask yourself some questions, and allow yourself to answer them freely, without judgment. The reason I say without judgment is because sometimes, when we are trying to find out what beliefs are preventing us from getting what we want, we perform an act of self-censorship. Beliefs, especially limiting beliefs, are like cunning, slippery creatures who thrive in the dark and hidden recesses of our subconscious minds; but you can bring them to the forefront of your consciousness. Once there, quite often they simply dissolve in the light of your rational thinking. Remember, a belief is just an idea that you do not question. You take it as a given fact. It is a way you were probably taught to view the world when you were young and impressionable. Here are two possible beliefs that someone with this idea might hold: 1. Money is the root of all evil Actually, the biblical quote says that thelustfor money is the root of all evil - there is a big difference. Do you want money so that you can hide it under your mattress and count it at night, when no one is looking? Or do you want money so that you can enjoy your life more, - buy a beautiful home, have a great wardrobe, and yes, an expensive sports car. Think about it. 2. People with money are all greedy and selfish In fact, most of the positive changes in our society have come from the upper middle classes. People who no longer had to strive for every penny to put food on their table were able to take the time to look around them. They saw people suffering and had the money, the time, and the power to implement changes to improve those lives. So, is every person who is well off greedy and dishonest? Conversely, is every poor person a paragon of virtue? If you had money, time, and influence would you use it to take advantage of others, or to help improve and enrich the lives of those around you. Think about it. As I have said, these are just two examples of beliefs that could be holding you back. My advice is to question those beliefs. Dissect them. Prove them wrong by holding them up to the disinfecting light of reason. Then, for a few minutes every day, pretend you have what you want. Your new thoughts will first dissolve, and then completely overcome any leftover remnants of negative ideas. And you will learn that you are the master of your mind, and not its slave. |