How to Manifest - 3 Keys to Manifesting Love, Money, and Anything Else You Desire

The word manifest has almost a magical sound to it. Because of this, many people assume that learning how to manifest things means to just make them appear from thin air. Of course, this is a false assumption. However, it does sell products so there are no shortage of marketers that will use this slant to try to make more sales. If you truly want to manifest things like money, love, or anything else, you have to give up this belief.

So, how do you manifest?

You have to be able to make a clear and concise declaration of what you want. This has to be something that you are crystal clear about. You cannot make a declaration that you would like more money. You have to put it in precise terms.

What else should you do?

You also have to understand that beliefs are either going to support you or hold you back. You may have beliefs that money is hard to come by or that love is hard to find. If you hold onto these beliefs forever, they are going to get in YOUR way. You have to keep beliefs that will support what you want.

Never fail to take action.

If you believe that you can magically manifest things, you will NEVER take action. And you will never get a RESULT. Without the cause, there can be no effect. The law of cause and effect cannot be by passed. There is NO Law of Attraction genie or fairy. You have to take action in order to manifest the things that you want in life.

Copyright © 2009 Bryan Appleton. All Rights Reserved.

Would you like to learn more on how to manifest ?

Learn how to: Attract Love, Money, Happiness Or All Three! Manifest Desires .