Power To Manifest

The Universe is nothing but Source Energy manifesting in different forms created by various rates of vibration. This is a vibrationsl Universe expressing Source Energy that creates All That Is.

This is an attempt to express in words a reality that can only really be understood through experience. The experience of this reality is a joyous expression of your true self. Universe is constantly communicating with you at many levels of awareness. You can only understand this communication however insofar as you are ready to receive it. Your job is to enjoy the process of constantly expanding your awareness of Source Energy unfolding through you.

You are actually an infinite spiritual being expressing a portion of yourself as a physical being in space-time reality. You have choosen this experience to evolve not only your own perspective but by doing so to expand All That Is.

As Dr. WayneDyer says: " Whatever you focus on expands." You are pure Source Energy manifest as a physical incarntaion. Your primary powers are intention and attention. Whatever you choose (intention) to focus your attention on will continue to manifest in your experience.

There is nothing you cannot create when your intention is aligned with Source Energy and you consistently backup your intention with attention to your desire. Deep within you are fully aware that you do create your own reality. You have the knowledge to manifest all your desires and live the life of your dreams. You are the all powerful creator of your own life experience. Only doubt and fear make it ever seen otherwise. In reality you possess absolute freedom to create the life you desire. You simply need to become aware of this freedom and focus your attention only on those things you wish to manifest into your reality. You must let go of fear and doubt and embrace the unlimited power of your true self.