Law of Attraction: Through the agesPhilosophers, writers and other gurus from different religions and cultures have always talked about the importance of positive thinking. Authors like Napoleon Hill have talked about having faith and believing in God and the Universe. They have talked about having goals and visions in life. In other words, all these people talked about the Law of Attraction in their own ways. The concept of Law of Attraction is not new to the world. However, earlier it was never revealed in a layman’s language and to such a wide audience. In the early times, the masses were trained to live in fear. Rigid doctrines and laws were enforced upon them. They were taught to fear God in everything they did. They did not worship God out of faith, but out of fear. The aristocracy knew that once these people understood the Law of Attraction, they would never submit to their will and desire. As a consequence of this realization, they were not allowed to be educated or even think. Harsh conditions, lack of livelihood and the fear of punishment ensured that all that the masses were concerned about was their survival. This mentality of fear was inherited by many generations. The aristocracy kept a strict watch on the masses. Whenever, they saw people like Socrates and others question the system, they quickly wiped them out. However, the Law of Attraction was still there, waiting to be discovered by the masses. Slowly, as time passed, people started revolting against oppression and tyranny. As more and more people joined the movement around the world, this law started helping them. It showed the way to overthrow the tyrants and the dictators. Wars and battles were fought and the regimes were overthrown. With the advent of new systems of communication like the television and the radio , the masses got an opportunity to broaden their perspective about the world. Earlier, their world comprised of their families and their immediate surroundings. Now, the entire globe became their world. They started understanding new ideas and applied them to their lives. As a result, their life started improving and education gained more importance. The journey of man from the Stone Age to the twenty first century has been possible only due to the Law of Attraction and man’s own determination. This law has helped him to invent and understand the workings of the universe. The Secret talks only about what has been there since the beginning of time. |