Abundant Attitude - What You Need to Possess an Awareness of Abundance

A lot of people will find that it is very easy to be skeptical and cynical nowadays. And the rationalizations are always there. Just have a look at the news and you will see that there are many examples of reasons why people have adopted this way of thinking. The only problem is, it can easily get in the way of YOUR success. So, at the end of the day, you do pay a price for not adopting an Abundant Attitude .

Now, I'm not suggesting that you should become one of those people that is way too positive for their own good. It's okay to have a balance in the mix. After all, having a certain amount of cynicism certainly can keep you from making a lot of mistakes and getting taken advantage of. However, to really succeed in any endeavor that you may take on, it is far greater to YOUR benefit to adopt an awareness of abundance. Having an abundant attitude allows you to see the opportunity that is out there.

I'll give you an example.

We all know that the real estate industry went bust in the last 18 months or so. And as a result, most people got scared out of the market and decided to keep their money in a safe bank account with a paltry interest rate. And during this same period of time, there were people that kept an awareness of abundance and invest in these properties that were in some cases half the price that they had been.

Anyone that knows anything about real estate understands that there are cycles. And when the cycle moves back upward, those people that made purchases recently will be seeing handsome profits, while those that were cynical will be kicking themselves for not taking the opportunity.

Just a little food for thought on how important it is to keep an awareness of abundance in your perspective.

Copyright 2009 Bryan Appleton. All Rights Reserved.

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