Ok, so you have read every major book and perhaps many obscure books on how to produce more abundance and prosperity in your life.  You can explain to yourself and others how the Law of Attraction works, yet you can't quite get over the proverbial hump and manifest wealth and abundance in your own life.

I know the feeling.  For years I read the books, took the classes, seminars, countless websites and I just couldn't attract the abundance, prosperity, happiness and wealth that I wanted to experience in my life.  Until one day it dawned on me that what was holding me back.  You see, we all have the ability to create whether we know it or not.  Right now your thoughts are creating wealth, abundance, and prosperity or they are creating strife, confusion, lack and overall misery.

What can you do?  First understand the Law of Attraction was designed solely for your advantage.  The law is immutable and I assure you there is no escape.  The Law of Attraction acts in solemn silence and it is up to you to align your thoughts with its expression of abundance, wealth, peace, happiness, perfect health and anything else that is for your higher good.

Difficulties, disturbances, lack, and roadblocks are indicators that you are refusing to give up something or someone you no longer need or refusing to accept exactly what you require.  You grow through exchange.  In other words, you will receive what you give.  What we reap is exactly what we sow.

Begin today to consciously cooperate with the Law of Attraction.  You want more love, give love.  Especially to those you think don't deserve it.  You want more money; give away money as you are directed when you ask The Source for advice.  Measure and weigh every thought you have.  Don't tenaciously cling to what is not serving you today.

Begin right now to earnestly and compassionately give away whatever it is you want more of to manifest in your life.  Be very grateful you have it to give away.  If you are broke be grateful for what money you do have and give some of it away.  Let go of bad relationships and pray for the other person and send them love.  Think only of perfect health and find someone to exercise with.  Give them the gift of perfect health.

Keep in mind your thoughts lead to action. Whatever action it is, it's simply the thought attempting to manifest itself in a visible form.  So if you desire favorable actions and desirable outcomes, only entertain desirable thoughts.

In our physical world there is a law of compensation which states; "the appearance of a given amount of energy anywhere means the disappearance of the same amount somewhere else."  So you see, you really do get only what you give.

You get my drift, so try these simple adjustments right now and visit this <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ?p=7">Law of Attraction</a> site to further enhance the manifestation of health, wealth and happiness into your life.