Do You Know Your Law Of Attraction Essence?

We each have an essence that people resonate with. We have to do nothing in order for this essence to be recognized.

It does not matter what clothes you happen to be wearing, nor what you say. Your essence is something that is simply there. It takes seconds - literally - for someone to decide on your essence. It is not something you can shape, change or mold. It is who you are to your very core.

It is your vibration and the way the Law of Attraction works for you - or does not.

You are your essence at birth. Your essence is you and it allows the Law of Attraction to work in your life when you align with it.

So, do you roll with your essence or do you fight it? When you begin to embrace the essence that you were born with, the essence that is you, the one you cannot change, amazing things happen for you. Why?

Because when you embrace your essence you are living from a place of truth. A place that is authentic to you. There is no show, no act and no more trying to make it. When you find this place - your essence - you will be allowing the Law of Attraction access. Your vibration will increase and you will attract whatever it is you desire.

If you are serious about using the Law of Attraction and find yourself stuck at times, it is not that the universal laws are not working for you. If you find the Law of Attraction works only for little things in your life, then it is time to check in with your essences.

How do I discover my Law of Attraction Essence?

Your essence is you. It has been a constant throughout your life. Starting with school and family.

1. Think back to the one or two things people always said about you. Continue to say.

Essences are never bad, they simply are. The moment you can acknowledge your own essence the Law of Attraction will open it's universal doors.

2. Think about when the Law of Attraction has worked in your life. You may find a pattern - you living from your essence. Your place of truth.

Live from your essence and find your own drumbeat - the drumbeat that will give you all the abundance you desire in life and make the Law of Attraction a playground of fun in your life!

How do I use my Essence to get the Law of Attraction to work for me every time?

To get fully in touch with yourself, your essence and enable the Law of Attraction to work in your life every single time, start by filling your world with positive messages.

1. Daily affirmations lead to positive messages that build self-confidence.
2. Self-Confidence creates the ability to get in touch with your true essence.

When you allow your essence to be seen the Law of Attraction is at your service - without question - every single time.