The Law of Attraction - Is it Just Hype?

Ever since the release of the movie, "The Secret" made the Law of Attraction a common phrase in our vocabulary, a lot of people have come out claiming that it is nothing but hype. In fact, forums have popped up all over the internet whose purpose, it seems, is to debunk the Law of Attraction.

The first thing I would like to make clear is that I personally am not inclined to climbing onto bandwagons. Just because someone says something is so does not mean I am going to believe it. I worked for many years doing research for an online medical/science journal, and the tenets by which I have lived most of my adult life are:

1. Believe nothing.

2. Verify everything.

3. Think with a hammer.

My own personal experiences with the Law of Attraction have proven, and continue to prove, that it works...if you work with it.

The more I have learned about it the better I have been able to understand the negative things and unpleasant experiences that have taken place in my life. This, more than anything else, has bolstered my belief that the Law of Attraction is both impersonal and an ever-present fact of life, - responding to all of our thoughts, and not just the ones we think when we are trying to manifest changes in our lives.

My successful experiences in using the Law of Attraction to manifest what I want have created, within me, an intense desire to share this knowledge with anyone whose mind is open enough to at least try it.

What I have noticed with those self-proclaimed skeptics with regard to this is that they seem to fall into one of these three categories:

1. They lack either the will or the courage to try it, or

2. They tried it a few times, did not put in any consistent effort, and, after failing to realize their desires, gave up and said, "This stuff doesn't work," or

3. They have a vested interest in making sure people continue to live in a culture of victimhood.

I believe there is great hope for those who fall into either of the first two categories.

With regard to the third, please note the following:

If people become aware that there exists within them, through their thoughts, the power to heal themselves...sales of pharmaceutical products and the constant need for the skills of a doctor would drop sharply.

If people become aware that by changing their way of thinking, they can create opportunities for wealth and abundance of their own, employers who depend for profit upon minimum-wage employees would run into problems.

If people become aware of the fact that the only real power in their lives lies with their thoughts, they will cease blindly following those who have, until now, been looked upon as authority figures.

Yes, that last group has a vested interest in convincing anyone they can that the Law of Attraction is just a bunch of hype.