Life Before the 11 Forgotten Laws

Before understanding The Secret and the 11 Forgotten Laws, my life didn't really feel like it was mine.  It seemed as though I was gliding along, carried by the wind.  In 2002 I took a personal growth course.  In that course the facilitators tried to explain to me that I was stuck in a place of not taking responsibility for my life.  I was taking responsibility for my actions.  They said that just wasn't enough.

Sure, I took personal responsibility for my actions.  If I did something wrong or made a mistake, I owned up to it.  But I seemed to be surrounded by people, at work and in my family, that blamed me for things that I didn't do.  I even started having doubts about my own sanity and worth.  After all, if all of these people thought that I was so bad, then I must be bad...right?

I tried explaining to them that I didn't ask for people to treat me so poorly; they just did.  I didn't know that I could get people, even the bullies, to treat me with respect.  In my mind, the facilitators were doing the same thing that others had done 'to' me!  But there were so many others at the course (as assistants) that had obviously gained so much from the course; I decided that I wanted what they had.  They were happy and I was not.

What I did not know, and later had a difficult time understanding, was the Law of Attraction.  But more than that, in the 11 Forgotten Laws is the Law of Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not what many of us have been taught.  It has no relationship to 'the meek shall inherit the earth'.  Forgiveness does not mean that it is okay for others to hurt us, just as 'turn the other cheek' does not mean that it is okay for others to continuously hit us.  Forgiveness is not absolution.  It is, however, the means by which we free ourselves from carrying around the negative emotions associated with the acts that others have perpetrated.  Forgiveness means that I have set myself free from feeling the need to carry the negative emotions associated with the actions of others.

Think about this: What is the opposite of forgiveness?  It is carrying around the emotional burden for something that someone else has done.  Why would any of us want to do that?  Why would you want to do that?

Right now, are you willing to commit to live your life differently and experience the absolute joy of living as a free person?  If you answered, "Yes!", then the 11 Forgotten Laws will take you there.